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Dad: "Marcel you going to Star Labs again?"

Marcel: "Yes sir."

Dad: "Well I hate to break it you son but you can't right now (holds up phone) they said no visitors are allowed in today."

Marcel: "(Sarcastic) Just great! (slams the door shut.)"

Now inside his room Marcel looks outside in annoyance at the fact of just how helpless he is when it comes to helping his friends even if it's just by saying hi and telling them what's been going on since they were brought to STARR LABS.

And it didn't help how the one man he thought he could count on at this point in his life refused to help him sneak inside STARR LABS and bust Virgil out and maybe everyone else if they wanted without anyone hopefully being the wiser at what just happened and who did it.

There was no worse feeling to Marcel then being helpless not able to do anything again! With him slamming his fist onto one of the walls of his room out of anger since it reminded him of how he had failed to help and save his mother all those years ago just like how he can't help Virgil in anyway with were he's being locked up.

Of course him slamming his fist onto the wall scared almost all the little kids and startled everyone else quite a bit and having enough of it Marcel decided that he would again bounce out of his house and do whatever else he wanted on the streets because at least then everything is so much simpler.

No worry about grades, if he's doing the right thing, how everyone else sees him, or even what he wants to do with his life since being on the streets especially in the roughest parts he could find if you were to think about anything then it could very well result in you getting beaten so bad you get sent to the ICU.

Its a place where he could truly feel alive without any worry since he never left the house long enough to starve and even if he got close he still found a way to eat by stealing the food or money from whoever picked a fight with him through his time away in fact that's how he got most of his money in the first place..... by mugging muggers.

But sadly even that wasn't enough of a distraction for him to forget his troubles and then he found a bottle of alcohol which made him remember what everyone important to him had ever told him when it came to that or anything else that was supposedly bad for him.

Memory of Mom: "(Downs an entire bottle and throws it hard onto the floor like she just scored a touch down and then faces her son as she slurs her speech.) Listen here you brat don't listen to what those cold hearted government spooks tell you and remember (grabs a bottle from seemingly no where) that alcohol is your mothers life blood and that she loves you mat (pats.)"

Memory of new father: "(Carrying one of the many little kids) Listen here son while I do not condone what your mother has done I can understand that it must have been hard for her but I hope you never get to the point where you turn to alcohol to help you feel better."

Memory of Fortis: "(Drinks a bottle whilst smoking a cigar) What do you want my opinion for if you want to do something just do it and regret the actions later since there's no point in worrying if what your doing is right or wrong (blows smoke into bottle and corks it making it look like a fogged city.)"

Thinking back on everything Marcel chucks the bottle as far as he can not knowing that this would be the start of him going down a different path than the one laide out before him but that is a story for another time.

Anyway.... Marcel then started making his way home but as he was going in the corner of his eye he saw some guy holding his little brother and siters favorite toys that he had painstakingly worked harder than his own studies to get who loved them more than anything and he knows that's the case since when he got them he broke them and had to fix them by hand and since he had no idea what he was doing he ended up making them look uglier than how they were supposed to look.

Marcel: "Hey buddy that's a nice looking toy you got there where'd you get it?"

Thug 1: "You mean these ugly things we uh 'found them' just lying there with no one nearby to collect them so we's took them and are on our way to do our part and recycle them."

Thug 2: "Yea I mean (grabs ugly doll with a scary face) what kind of sick freak would want and give this away."

Without any other words spoken Marcel proceeded to kick Thug 1 in the face and with the same leg as if defying all odds kicked Thug 2 at the same time with the same leg proceeding to knock Thug 1 into the nearby wall of a store whilst sending Thug 2 straight through a car window.

Not giving any of them even a chance to fight back he grabbed Thug 1's head and proceeded to bash his face into the wall of the store before spartan kicking him straight through the glass display window causing the security sliders to drop on him trapping him in there.

As for the other guy he dragged him out of the car and proceeded to slam him down onto the hood of the car like some street WWE style fighting which caused the alarm to go off along side the alarm for the shop meaning that once he got the toys back he ran as fast as he physically could feeling a bit like the flash in the process.

And just like any good Santa he placed the gifts were they could easily be found by giving the doll to his sleeping brother and the toy gun that sounded and looked like it wanted to turn his little sister into Marvin the Martian all without anyone knowing except for the old man who the very next morning had a major grin on his face which caused Marcel to run away for a bit again.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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