Date with Insanity

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Like most days that Fortis spent within Mount Justice he eventually got bored and could no longer be bothered to hang out inside especially since Conner and Megan started going out and since he was the only or one of the few people who knew about them being together, they usually come to him for both advice and place to be together.

So, after getting tired of that Fortis left the cave and ventured towards Gotham City along with Robin and when he left the cave you followed shortly after seeing as there was nothing better to do and also it had been since he last meet and chatted with a certain gal in white.

Fortis: "(Sniffs) Ah... Back at Gotham at long last and still looks as bad as I remember."

Once he finally left the filthy alleyway, he dug out a small journal he had that was almost always inside a pocket inside his jacket that had nothing but pictures of things that he thought were cool or would be interesting to make.

Fortis: "(Flips through pages) Ah found it (makes a gold motorcycle)."

He gets on and as he does a few cops begin giving him the stink eye, so he makes a gold helmet with his symbol on before flipping the visor down and riding out in search of one girl in a city that is known for being odd.

But for some reason no matter how hard he tried or where he looked, he could not find her and look everyone knew that looking for one person in a city would be harder than finding a needle in a haystack but even finding one of the goons that was associated with her seemed impossible to find.

And after a few hours he was honestly getting a bit annoyed at just how hard it was to find her especially since the first three times he looked for her she was found in almost three hours with only five attempts at locating her.

But eventually he found one a guy that looked like a clown that was in the middle of breaking a man's kneecaps for some reason or another.

Fortis: "(Slowly walks towards the scene of a crime) Hey weird boy seen whitey lately."

Clown Thug: "(Stumbles backwards like you are batman) S-s-s-stay back (pulls out knife) I'm warning you."

Fortis: "(Walks closer without any care for his puny knife and with a smile on his face) Look I'm not going to hurt you I just want to know where I can find your boss."

But the man dosn't say anything but screams instead as he runs away like a little girl causing the guy who just got his legs broken to get as scared seeing you as he would when facing Batman.

Poor Guy: "(Trys to crawl away) Stay away from me I'll get you money, drugs, anything you want (starts crying) just leave me alone."

Fortis: "(Walks on him and breaks a few bones of his before healing making him a bit more limber than before) Relax (Snap) I'm just looking for someone I don't care about anyone else."

Poor guy: "R-r-r-really (starts acting like a car salesman) than today is your lucky day cause I'm a reporter in Gotham and I can get you news on just about anyone what do you need."

Fortis: "(Camera gets close to his face) I need Harely."

-Later inside a broken honestly shabby office-

Poor guy: "It's not much but (Sits on chair) It's home (lights cigar) names Al James."

Fortis: "Name's Fortis and (pulls out old box) Is this really everything up to date on Harley."

Al: "(Smokes) Yep that's everything I could get my hands on."

Fortis: "(Search's threw box's) You said you had everything."

Al: "Yea well it's hard to get anything now a day's especially with the area I live in and thanks to the internet making my job basically impossible while kids are making better articles than I do (Tries to smoke but fails). Anyway, that's everything I could get my hands on before getting told to stop."

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