Heir Supreme

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Batman has Robin, Aquaman has Aqualad, Superman has Superboy and all the other hero's have sidekicks of their own or heirs to their name like Green Lantern with any other person who would be worthy should any of them pass on or get kicked out. 

But what about Fortis? The man is the one and only Gold Lantern because if there were others he might have heard about them when he was in the future but so far nothing which kind of sucks because as fun as being able to adventure till the universe goes out.

There will come a time when he gets tired and retires and since he was the first person in who knows how long to be able to wield the power of the bracelet it could be as long or longer until the bracelet finds someone worthy enough to use.

Wally: "Why the long fast blue?"

Fortis: "What?"

Wally: "It's my nickname for you."

Fortis: "Why blue?"

Wally: "(Scarfs down snack he was eating) Because GL can mean Green Lantern and from what I know almost every other color you can use belongs to bad guys except for..."

Fortis: "Except for blue (annoyed and sarcastic) yea yea real clever."

Wally: "(Sarcastic back) I know I'm a genius but seriously what's wrong?"

Fortis: "You can't be a hero forever."

Wally: "Well you can but I get what you mean."

Fortis: "(Brief moment of silence) I'm thinking of retiring this hero thing."

Wally: "(Surprised) Wha!? You sure but you're only (tries to guess his age)..."

Fortis: "(Chuckles) Dude just stop you're never going to guess it because even I don't know (Rolls the ground before flying up) I've been at this thing called life for a long time and as fun as it has been I want to know that who ever becomes my successor at least knows how to use it."

Wally: "And uses it for good right?"

Fortis just smiles as he starts walking towards one of the exits out of Mount Justice as Wally continues screaming "Right?" trying to get an answer out of Fortis to no avail.

Once he leaves Fortis starts looking around the town for anyone that could either help him find his heir or to help teach him how to be a better teacher since the last time he took care of anyone led to all of them dying.

So if he wants some to carry on his legacy without dying before he does then he's going to need some serious help in figuring out how to teach them properly but surprisingly going up to random parents and guardians asking them how they treat their kids doesn't seem to go that well.

And the ones that didn't treat him like he was up to no good eventually did when he told them he doesn't have a kid yet but he plans on getting one at some point in time.

Seeing a few officers of the law making their way towards the area he was at and how most of the people were treating him told him that now was a good time to leave and that's what he did as he made his way towards Metropolis one of the few areas he knows about and has been to.

While walking there he pumps into a few kids that must live around the area with none of them being the same race as the other but it didn't matter much and after helping the young black kid up he began making his way towards the city.


Not thinking that who ever the voice of an angry woman belonged to was shouting at him Fortis continued on his way until he was forcibly turned around by them and saw that it must have been the young black kids mother, sister, or someone with a family tie to them unless they were just plan crazy from how she was talking to someone she never meet before.


And the whole time this lady was yelling at Fortis he was doing his best to not show any sort of facial expression because that would have probably made things a whole lot worse than it already was.

Meanwhile the young black kid he knocked into earlier was trying his best to either not see what was happening or to hide the fact because his hands were covering his face as his friends somewhat tried to mess with him but only with subtle gestures meaning they were more than familiar with this lady and how she acted.

Fortis: "(Looks at his watch) Ah please do excuse me because unlike you I have more important things to do with my time than yelling at random strangers so do be so kind as to piss off and have a nice day."

Not wanting to anger the unfair lady any more than he probably did he winked at the young boy and his group of friends since they looked at him like most people do to Superman and seeing that the man started to fly away getting a fair distance away from them as best he could without getting spotted by others.

Deciding that it would be better to continue his search in Gotham because at least there he probably doesn't have to deal with any of that "Karen" trouble as his friends and what the internet calls what happened he just experienced.

And he doesn't know weather it's surprising or not but when he got to Gotham it seemed like most parents didn't really care and treated a strange man they never meet before asking how to treat them as a perfect way to get their kids to behave since after a few minutes of talking to a parent or guardian they walked over to him, gave him money and asked if he could do that again at a later date.

Which weirded him out for a bit until he remembered the criminals that this place had to worry about and that honestly calmed him down a bit as he politely told them maybe and headed back to Mount Justice to maybe get some help from them.

But when he got there it seemed that Wally told everyone leading them to have a retirement party but at the same time not one since it seemed like some of them either didn't believe he would retire and those he did were just trying to be nice while really wanting you to stay. 

Either that or everything he used for the party was last miniute and they just got what ever was already used and tried their best to make it look pretty as Fortis stood their in shock with everyone their smiling once they saw that he was back.

Fortis: "Uhh..... I don't know what Wally told you but all I'm not leaving just yet and that I  was only thinking about it."

Every then turned towards Wally as he acted like a kid who just got told he was in trouble but not wanting anything to go to waste everyone dug into the food and stuff and just started having a blast letting Fortis forget about finding an heir and everything and just helped him enjoy the moment.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and  yes there will be another but I won't say when it happens but do let me know who you want the 3rd Gold Lantern to be with and if he should have a harem or not but until next time stay safe and peace.

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