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After a few weeks of not really doing much of anything Marcel decided that tonight was as good of a time as any to meet and befriend the rest of his team since the old team he had was flipped by time and space non sense into the newer and better team in every single way that stood before him.

But even so Marcel still wondered just how different they were to the people he had meet before because they were for the most part the same but just more heroic in personality than before and also they all seemed to have a cult like fascination towards him which he didn't really like all that much.

Because at one point in time he swears to this day that when they were undercover on some sort of mission and some guys where trying to start some stuff when they walked in for the rest of the night the group just vanished and a few weeks later he saw missing posters for them as well....

Yea.... its not really easy being him and add that with the fact that no matter what he can seemingly do no wrong in their eyes even if he makes plans or calls that aren't for the best in anyway like how he wanted the one person in the team who could actually hack stand watch since they were in their buff mode while the least techno knowledgably person try to hack.

AND THEY ALL THOUGHT IT WAS HIS WAY OF TEACHING THEM! Like the guy wasn't trying much of anything since they were getting swarmed hordes of enemies from all directions and the primal girl was just the closest to the dang computer! And while you don't think things could get worse well you're wrong because when he invited all of them out he told them literally a thousand times that it was just going to be some basic take out.

Yet at the time everyone arrived Marcel himself was the only who felt out of place since everyone else was either wearing very nice looking dresses or clean and pristine suits! Like what the heck were they thinking he meant by casual? Or did they think he was about to ask them out to some formal dance recital area or something?

Marcel: "(To himself in the bathroom as many men walk around him quite possibly thinking he's crazy) I swear (sighs) what the heck am I going to do with these guys! Like I'm not GOD for crying out loud I make mistakes! And I ain't perfect either I'm just some city slicker who's making things up as I go with a ghost of my former teacher following me!"

Fortis?: "Yes, yes let the whole world know that only you can talk, hear, and see me and lets just wait and see how long that lasts before men in white vans come to pick you up and find you a brand new home perfect for people like you."

Marcel then tries his best to ignore Fortis? and his annoying yet accurate message about himself but what the heck it's not like he was going to meet anyone from a freaking fast food places bathroom any time soon.

Going outside he sees that the group is somehow already wasted, trashing the place, and seemingly harassing everyone around as they try to preach he good word of Marcel like Jehovah witnesses but somehow even worse since they don't care at all about the many times people say no to them.

Marcel: "(Slaps himself on the forehead) Why the heck do I even bother with these idiots when their just going to do stupid stuff like this all the time!?"

With a wave of his giant golden magic hand he swats all of them out of the building and into the streets with which he then takes them all to a nearby hotel and from the looks that were given by the staff member this wasn't really an ordinary hotel but they seemed to have seen weirder things than a group of mostly formal, hammered people with the only normal and sober looking man dragging them into the room seemingly against their will as they all mutter something about a man.

And while some of the items around the place... were questionable to say the least they probably served their purpose more than a little and brought the place and the people great satisfaction but for these people the last thing they need is anything that could make them like nay adore Marcel more than they already do.

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