Golden Fun

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After doing nothing but traveling and fighting to the death with other races of being you have decided that you deserved a little vacation and what better way to do that then to go and bet on who will lose and win for fighting battles based on what you know of battle and for when you would go in after losing a little to get a better bet.

What you are doing some may want to cause trouble for you but since you can do whatever you want and barely if anyone could ever tell you what to do you continued on doing what you were doing and after you got tired and very rich from the fighting tournaments you thought of what would be the best way to spend what you had just gained.

And the only thing you could think of at that very moment was to gamble so you went over to the areas for gambling instead of betting and began to see how the games were played and what you would have to do to win big time.

After playing a few games you could tell really easily that they were going easy on you because even if you had never seen how the game was played before a few seconds ago you knew really well what it looked like to swindle money from some one because you had just done that a lot.

So right when you felt them start to change and try to make you lose money big time you then decided against from playing anymore and you then left with the urgings of others to continue but you did not want them to have the satisfaction of beating you without your planning on it.

So, with your gimbaling fun time over and done with for the moment you then grabbed all your cash and then left with to then find out what more you could then spend on and have lots of more fun because you were on self proclaimed va-cay and wanted nothing more than to relax and do whatever seemed fun and not necessary to do.

So after looking around you found some areas that served food that you thought might be edible for you to enjoy with out worrying side effects popping up there and then or coming at you later hard like a train so after eating your fill you then bought out the entire area of food and told them everyone could have everything they wanted to eat free of charge for the rest of the day.

And after walking around for a bit you had then found some of the lower classed people in the areas because they were acting like how people treated them as nothing more than an annoyance, so they acted like they were nothing more than basically leaves in the wind.

But when you had found them you could not help yourself and decided that for the rest of your time there you would help out any and everyone who needed it and had nowhere else to go so for the begging you first got the land for the giant home that you were going to make and then you were also going to learn from the areas that you could the history of that world and also get some books to teach as well.

So, after reading and making the house just right you then began to adopt, kidnap, or hire the people who had nothing else to their name or drive to continue with anything you had let them be at your big home that was made in about five hours for earth time and then a few days to get it in tip top shape with everything working perfectly.

You then began to make a name for yourself both good and bad on that world for the good things you had done and then for all the fighting that you had fixed in your favor and also always gaining and never loosing at casinos when you went there and after a few years you had made more than one place in the world that became home for everyone no matter what.

And it was a place that taught everyone everything that they had needed to know for what were the basics and for what they wanted to know to be better at the professions that they had longed for he had also taught them all English as a form of secret that only a select few people on the whole planet knew just for the fun of it.

And once you had felt like you had helped all that you could you were very surprised at how much had changed in the years that you had been there and when you had finally decided to leave you had known that there would be tears but you had taught them all that at some point everything must be let go for they have met the end for that part of their journey and that they might met again one day if their patient.

And when you felt like it was time you had gotten all the things you had been given by the children and all those that you had helped but you had also kept a form of a coin book from that world so that you could have a memento of the long amount of time you had spent they're in the name of peace and relaxing instead of combat or for a mission.

And then you left that world for you had other places to be without the knowledge that one day you would become the building block of an entire society without even knowing and shaping all the worlds that were to come with it for the times that would go on by.

But for know you were happy at knowing that you had helped all that you could and also annoyed all that you could but no matter what everyone had known that it was all in the name of fun and peace so there was never any harm in what had transpired.

And that is the end for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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