Learning how to create

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After everything was said and done you started showing everyone your proud creations you had made when you were board out of your mind during your last mission.

The looks on their faces confused you for quite a bit as you were quite proud of all the drawings that you had made as you saw them look at your little arts and crafts projects like one would look at a child's.

Clark: "Um..."

Ghia'ta: "It looks..."

Per Lynn: "You suck at drawing."

Perplexed at what she had said you looked over at your drawings and could not tell what she had meant as Clark and Ghia'ta then began talking about how your drawings where just good enough were they could make out what you were trying to make and not what it truly was.

Per Lynn: "Which doesn't really make sense as you would need a powerful imagination to be able to even use the power of the lanterns correctly."

With anger in your eyes and fury in your hands you make a portrait of all of them getting defeated by you in battle but when you finish it you actually see what they mean, and you get rid of the drawing and ask the others to teach you how to draw better.

You later realized what a horrible mistake you had made that day as Ghia'ta nor Per Lynn where complacent or accepted anything but the best of the best from you when you drew anything up or crafted anything.

You would be forced to paint, draw, and sculpt real life objects and would not be allowed to finish until you were able to accurately draw them, the way they looked in real life before then being forced to make the item in his own way to increase his "creativity" as they called it.

You could only recall the training as an absolute nightmare that you would not want to force even on the wardens of the planet that you had destroyed or anyone else as it was nothing more than pain and suffering as they were all dedicated on what felt like them trying to basically make you the next Lenardo DaVinci.

And the worst part was it did not end there as they made you become a master at making anything and being able to use your "Imagination & Creativity" whenever you felt like it was needed or desired.

It was the worst thing as you had never needed them before, and you never made any sort of attempt at using your imagination for a long period of time when you lived on that nightmarish planet.

Even when the days would end the girls did not let you rest for even a moment in your bed as they would ask you to imagine and act so as to not let your creative spirit rest for even a moment, because for them being a lantern meant to create anything you might need without much thought.

The only good thing you could say about the entire situation was that it both got you out of having to study everything from the past to present about almost everything that involved earth throughout the years and even though it was something that you would never want to do again, it did make something more interesting to say the least.

When you finally got to the point that you could make things look like their real counterparts, they finally lessened the training they put you on as they then placed you in front of a computer as it had taken you a very very long time to be able to do it.

You no longer knew which was worse being forced to be creative or being forced to learn decades worth of history, knowledge, and all the advancements ever made since you had left earth.

But it was almost all for naught as nothing really changed with the way you made your constructs which thought was sort of bad since you had gone through such harsh training just to see no progress for your efforts.

You: "Umm... Is this a bad thing"

Ghia'ta "[Lazing around on your bed] Nah that's pretty normal."

You: "Then what was the whole point of the training you just put me through."

Per Lynn: "[Reading a magazine] So you could be able to make your own things instead of relying on things others have made before."

You: "So what does being a lantern mean for both of you."

Ghia'ta & Per Lynn: "Freedom."

Almost as if they could see the confusion on your face, they begin to tell you about how they had gotten their rings and what they use them for while also telling you how they feel that being a lantern has given them more creative freedom then they could have ever known before.

You then began thinking about what type of person you would want to be as you had the power to become either a hero or a villain with all the different abilities your bracelet had granted you, but you put that thought away for now as you still had training you needed to finish before you could continue thinking about the future that would await you.

You thought of combining your training like you had seen from some cartoons and readings to combine your strength training with you cramming everything that has happened to earth since you had left.

It was a bit of a pain at first, but the girls and Clark seemed pleased to see you thinking differently while the leader and some of the other members of Legion thought you were messed up in the head for trying to do this.

But you didn't care because all that pain and suffering you had to live through during your creative training you know began to think of new ways of doing things which had made the world more interesting of a place even if it was only for a bit for a man who had to learn everything that changed since he last been home.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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