Power Drainage

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You and a few members of Legion had been informed about a possible crime taking place sometime in a somewhat hidden area from the rest of the city you all then split up into even smaller groups so you could all watch every entrance and exit of the area so as to make sure none of them got away if they were doing something illegal.

Having done this before and not even that long ago let you know just how boring it could be and since everyone you were with at least was to focused on the scouting out the area to do anything else you had let them all know that you were leaving the room to get some food and what they had wanted.

Getting nothing less than a few grunts and a thrown piece of paper you then left after looking at what each paper had said and memorizing what they had said you left the room to go on your own adventure for a bit.

As you wandered around the area you came into contact with a few street kids hanging out around the area and after giving them some money and the food you had gathered, they started talking about what usually goes down around the area.

From them you had learned that sometimes important looking people use the area you and some of the Legion had been staking out they had also informed you that they sometimes went underground.

As thanks for everything they had told you, you give them the rest of the food you had before then making your way towards one of the many forgotten old subway systems in the city as you began making your way towards the underground stakeout area.

While walking down the somewhat familiar looking area you once used probably more than you walked in your life before you left earth behind to traverse the stars to sate your curiosity towards the unknown for the moment at least.

You eventually found an opening to the area as it was a giant opening in one of the tunnels that kinda looked like someone had been bashed through the subway wall and as you travelled further down the tunnels it looked like someone got into a serious fight.

When you got to the area according to both the city and subway maps and what you had seen amazed you at just how crafty and hardworking some of the criminals were.

You saw them transfer different cases and objects and after looking over the area for a bit you didn't think much of it until you saw one of the people down there drop one of the boxes they were transferring and seeing how it was a person that loo...

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You saw them transfer different cases and objects and after looking over the area for a bit you didn't think much of it until you saw one of the people down there drop one of the boxes they were transferring and seeing how it was a person that looked bound up and terrified inside.

Not giving it any more thought you rushed in there and formed a dome around the area blocking off all exits as you then started acting like a certain clown girl you had read about with a humongous mallet.

Because seeing that sight had made you remember parts of what you had tried to forget when living on the prison planet and the next thing you had seen you had just gotten punched in face by one of the goons that looked to be barley standing.

It didn't take much for you to knock them down and when you looked over everything you saw that they had passed out, but they were otherwise okay.

You then called in that you had taken care of them or at least a group of them to the other Legionaries and as you waited for them to come and help you tried to use your powers to help clean the place up, but nothing was working and when you looked into something reflective for the first time in a long while you had looked beaten up.

You saw that you had multiple bruises on your face and body, scratches, cuts, and multiple holes in your body and you believed that some parts of you had been broken while fighting and not long after realizing all that you passed out most likely from blood loss.

When you finally woke up you saw Clark, Ghia'ta and Per Lynn all standing around what you believed to be this time's version of a hospital bed and once they saw that you had regained consciousness, they all began to hug you while crying.

You: "What? [Groggily.] What happened."

Both Ghia'ta and Per Lynn told you how much of an idiot you were as they began punching you before then calming down with help from Clark as he starred daggers at you and after you all calmed down, they finally began telling you what happened after you passed out.

Clark: "When the Legion members arrived, they told us that you had passed out and they found everything you had reported while also finding lots and lots of blood and after checking it all out they found most of it to be yours."

Ghia'ta: "When they finally found you, they said you were in a sea of blood and that you still breathing was a miracle in of itself and that you had managed to save as an entire town from being sold and forced to do things they had not wanted to do."

Per Lynn: "As the only people with great knowledge on how lanterns worked, we looked over your bracelet and..... (Cries a bit) I'm sorry to say this you may never be able to be a hero again ever."

You: "Wha... What are you talking about?"

Per Lynn: "Your version of a lantern ring is completely out of power and as we have no idea how to recharge it there is not much we can do."

You: "But didn't your power battery's help when we tried it last."

Ghia'ta: "You're power takes more than they can provide if we were to give an example it would be like trying to fill your ocean with a single rain cloud."

They all then left you to heal from your adventure that saved people and from getting hit by the girls just now as the only sound you had started to cry not from the pain not from the nightmarish memories you had remembered and not for losing your powers it was because you could no longer help others and how you now felt usless towards everyone around you.

And that my friends is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe, have fun, and peace.

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