Bar life

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You had been working at this bar for about half a year and after that long you had come to understand why the place looked as filthy as it did because everyday something would break, and crowds would gather to see what had been broken and who had done it.

Thanks all of them doing that the areas with something broken in them had gotten a lot worse in the span of a few minutes because of all the different beings crowded in there which made it possible for you to work there longer and longer each time as your contract with the boss of the place was to either clean till you drop or make the place spotless.

You heard from all the different aliens coming in and out of the bar that the Legionaries are still doing quite well for themselves and that some of the major criminal organizations in the city had been dealt with and that some of the remaining members are planning on how to deal with them.

You feel happy knowing that they are still doing what they are supposed to do as hero's but are also a bit sad that no one longer cared that you had been gone for half a year but there was nothing you could do you did still plan on going back but your plan was to do so when you finally got your powers back.

You still had no powers but thanks to working there you were getting better and better at using your hands for a lot of different things as you were the only human worker there and anytime some humans came in and ordered you would have to do everything yourself since you knew how they ate.

Last week you got your first ever promotion and raise it wasn't the best since you were still technically a contract worker for the bar which meant that everything you did cost more than the other guys.

You also learned a lot more about the shadier ways of living and the basics on certain questionably legal things, but it was alright since most of the time you practiced was when you clocked off or when certain customers were trying to start something.

You would also occasionally hear about certain species and how they would evolve after a certain amount of time or conditions had been meet and it made you wonder if the same thing could happen to you or if it had happened to anyone else you knew that wasn't caused by time.

Hanging out, working, and just over all living at the bar had helped you amazingly with how you felt about yourself and others because the bar got all walks of life coming and out of it alike allowing you to learn things that might have been harder or impossible for others to understand like you did.

Other than the illegal knowledge you learned from the bar you also learned how to better control your emotions, saw different ways certain aliens liked to fight and how they did so while also seeing how some of the staff used their species natural abilities doing what they did.

Honestly you felt you learned a lot more half a year living here than you did a full year with the Legionaries and there were some things and people you didn't miss at all but the girls that had followed you there, the people you saved with them, and the only man that could even remotely feel like you did.

Made you want to go back to them, but you were both afraid of history repeating itself and you also wanted to surprise them by getting your powers back but so far you still had no idea what powered your bracelet.

Every time you tried to figure out how to make it work or tried to figure out anything about this thing you broke a few things in the bar yourself, but it was not all for naught as you crossed out the things that didn't work and tried other things that might.

But no matter how much you tried you knew there was an infinite number of ways this thing could have worked, and you had no idea if the way to power it back up was something a human could even do and that you getting it to work the first time wasn't just pure luck.

All the emotions you had felt that activated the different ringed gems inside your bracelet none of them worked to make the thing fully work or even partly as the energy in it drained more and more each day you started to feel more and more things that you had long since forgotten while also making it harder for you to understand your alien coworkers sometimes.

And on the final day of you working at the bar was when you lost all hope for anything ever again the very same second you felt the bracelet fall of your hand for the first time ever and when it did you were just thankful that it happened when your shift was over.

The bracelet falling off to you symbolized the ending of everything you once were and the beginning of the man you were now forced to become and having nowhere else to go while also knowing no one else that you could even understand you went back to the Legionaries.

Walking back, you felt pure shame and sadness as you felt the last place where you could even belong was taken from you, but it was the only thing you had left your last shining light in the dark to any hope of ever feeling normal or being happy again.

Was in ruins you saw the place had been completely destroyed as the people that were still there were barley still alive fearing that you might see them die you began carrying all of them to the healing ward of the base and when you finally got all of them there nothing seemed to work.

Fearing that time was running out you looked for any sign that the place hadn't lost all it's power.

You: "Come on [Running through some halls and checking the rooms] Come on [Running and jumping off some stairs down and up again.] I know you still got some juice left in ya unlike me big guy."

And after what felt like years you found something that still had power Ghia'ta and Per Lynn's power batteries with the note you left them and whatever was left of your belongs seeing it you could feel how much they had missed and cared for but saving the barley living people took priority first.

You grabbed both Lanterns and immediately fell down as when you tried to pick them up it felt like you were trying to carry an entire weight rack at the gym and if you learned anything surviving on that nightmarish planet was that you never give up in the face of death until you can longer fight back.

You grabbed both of them and pulled harder than you had ever before scraping the Power batteries against the floor the entire time until you finally got to the stairs which posed the real problem of this entire situation carrying them all the way up to the med wing without falling to your death.

You found a table and broke the legs off of one of them as you ripped up one of the beds to make a makeshift bag as you put the Power batteries in them and began making your way to help everyone you could.

But the weight was making everything harder for you with each and every step as and you knew that not taking any breaks was making things worse, but you couldn't risk that you might not be able to get back up if you did especially when there were people who needed something good more than you.

When you finally made it to the final floor where the med wing was located you heard everything in you pop and break about five times, you could feel something liquid like pouring down every part of your body and you seeing, walking, and doing anything was all pure will power at that point.

You felt more at ease when you dropped the power battery's as you got the emergency generator for the med wing to open to as you then tried to hot wire them to work together.

You: "[Facing pink] For hearts long lost and full of fright, For those alone in Blackest Night, Accept our ring and join our fight. Love conquest all...With Violet Light! [You then faced green] In brightest day, in blackest night, No evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil's might Beware my power--Green Lantern's light!"

You did so hoping something would happen and you were the full of joy when the power for the room went back on that you finally gave in to exhaustion and all the physical problems you had enduring till now and passed out.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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