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Marcel: "(Grunts as he lifts a heavy dumbbell while also looking at his phone) Huh (Grunts) Looks like some Garfield kid has become famous a bit (Grunts)."

Fortis?: "And are you jealous?"

Marcel: "(Puts dumbbell down) No! Why would I be? I mean look at where I live (widens his arms) I mean you told me this was basically a safe and quite place where pretty much nothing happens or changes around here."

Fortis?: "(Hanging upside down for some reason) Yes I did say that but doesn't everyone want fame?"

Marcel: "(Scoffs) Man I'd rather be famous as the Gold Lantern you so want me to be over my own black behind being famous... I mean who the heck wants that life especially as a man of color."

Fortis?: "If  your going to say something about your skin let me remind you that probably only happened because you lived in Gotham city."

Marcel doesn't say anything and instead goes on to get a drink from his fridge and as he does he sees something at the bottom of the bottle which looked like a giant portal of some kind with a giant Y looking thing going through it.

Marcel: "What the f-"

Fortis?: "I told you they were never going to truly... or what they left on you would never leave to be more precise and hey you should count yourself lucky."

Marcel: "(Closes lid) WHY!?"

Fortis?: "Because now you can pretty much see anything no matter where or when it happens you can catch a glimpse of it."

Marcel: "Didn't we already go through some crap to try and fix this!"

Fortis?: "Yea that was to stop you're brain from dying over all the new information you were getting. All I did was make a leaky water tap out of that were your brain collects it and you randomly get some new sights."

Marcel: "Well is there no way of turning it off!"

Fortis?: "I mean there is but you won't like it."

Marcel: "(Gets up close and personal as he can to Fortis) TELL ME!"

Fortis?: "(Finger guns both his and Marcels heads) Just die."

Not even attempting to play with Fortis anymore Marcel grabs his jacket and heads off and about the town but as he does he sees a flash and is for some reason now at Gotham City and as Marcel turns around to menacingly stare at Fortis.

He instead sees that (for quite possibly the first time since he's ever meet the guy) has no idea what the heck had happened nor has any way of knowing how to fix this should it ever happen again.

Fortis?: "Before you say anything I have no idea how the heck we got here and quite possibly I don't even know if were still in your present time."

Ignoring the last part Marcel tries to figure out just what the heck had happened and as he walks around he sees a little kid crying over two bodies one male and the other female as a large pool of blood seems to pour directly towards not Marcel but instead towards Fortis.

But since he's not tangible (and probably has no desire to do so at the moment) the blood just goes right through where he was at and eventually gave up and instead formed a giant pillar around him where it then began playing what happened as giant words in blood spelled out (YOU COULD HAVE FIXED EVERYTHING!).

Marcel: "(Looks around) So.... you have any idea on what the heck this is or what it's referring to."

Fortis: "What it is heck no I got no clue! As for the second well since I'm technically from the future it probably means that I could have stopped any and everything bad that has ever happened from becoming true."

Marcel: "(Starts squatting) And why didn't you."

Fortis?: "Because if I did I would make a hole so big in the fabric of reality that I'm fairly certain a group of certain other worldly creatures wouldn't have been thrilled if I did so... that and I could have also caused the universe to fold into itself and become nothing more than a bumper sticker."

At some point as both master and disciple were just sitting there the pool of blood then receded and seemed to spit both Fortis and Marcel back from whence the came for some reason with neither of them really knowing what happened other than the fact they both heard a large crackle of lightning in the distance.

And the second Marcel tries to take another step he seemed to have lost all ability to move in his legs as he toppled over thankfully however the bracelet had power which meant that before he landed on his face Fortis could help him get back up which Marcel begrudgingly thanked him for.

With Fortis help Marcel managed to to get himself back inside and lay down on his couch and as Fortis took Marcel's boots off he saw that they were freaking white! Add that with the fact they seemed to be made out of stone and their was little to no wonder why he couldn't walk right!

Of course Fortis lied to Marcel when he asked if their was something wrong with his feet since even though they looked like that Marcel could still feel them he just couldn't move them as much as he would liked.

As Fortis flew around the room (kind of like the stars or birds that cartoon characters would sometimes get if they hit their heads long enough) which annoyed Marcel to no end especially when he started muttering to himself something about an Nth metal or something like that.

But what really annoyed him was the fact that no matter what Marcel said or how "nice" he had asked Fortis the man would never say a thing about what he was talking about and instead feign ignorance about the subject even though before long he would start raddling on again causing the same scene to loop for quite a few times.

Eventually however Marcel thankfully (to Fortis at least) had fallen asleep which left Fortis wondering just what the heck had happened, why it happened, and most of all why the heck did it seemingly drain almost all the blood from Marcels legs making it to where he couldn't walk again.

Which was even stranger since for this to have happened something very serious must have happened since it meant that the bracelet couldn't quite heal it completely since even after Marcel had fallen asleep it basically took until he had woken up the next day (yes he did sleep that long) before he was fit as a fiddle once again.

And as he woke up it just added another mystery for Fortis which was the fact that Marcel couldn't remember (or just didn't want to talk about it) the blood pool event thing that had happened to both of them just yesterday.

Not really being able to get any awnsers or anything like that Fortis decides that he needed a nap so he went back inside the bracelet to sleep as Marcel went out and about Speed Valley to do whatever he wanted...

-Through the computer.-

Reporter for super events: "Yes we are getting reports that a man in a silver mask has in fact seemed to have stolen an entire warehouse of high grade police issued... well honestly people everything and yes I do also mean the warehouse. I repeat people the entire warehouse is gone along with everything else that was inside it including the poor workers who just couldn't get out in time!"

It then cuts to an aerial view where there was nothing except for a giant silver circle around where the warehouse used to be with everything above it seeming to be still intact but everything above the line had simply vanished into thin air.

Reporter: "This is Chuck and it looks like the good people at GCPD have no idea what the heck has happened which is possibly a first for them... now back to the studio for different stories as we try to figure out what has happened and will let you know when we have more."

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace!

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