What it means to be free!

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Freedom... it's something that every single person desires and would like to state that they have even if it means giving up certain rights that they have whether it be having to pay to afford their freedom or to give up any sort of privacy they may have so they can be free.

But no matter what they each have one thing in common and that's to get any sort of feeling of freedom that they can acquire and in America what better place to be free than a place where the only thing stopping you from being free is the amount of money you are willing to spend to get it since no matter what there shall always be someone willing to buy should the price be right.

And what that means exactly for Fortis and Marcel is that Marcel's way of growing is the most pain in neck form of teaching since it's something that is made up of pure freedom down to its very core since its a style that requires the person being able to move from one style to the next and back like nothing....

Like how are you supposed to be teach someone who's style of fighting is that of a newborn fighter but can also act like someone who's been on the front lines fighting for their lives since the first day the arrived in the hell like areas that Are's most likely watches in pure enjoyment.

So as fun as being a great and wise master was for Fortis right now there's literally nothing he can teach his student without really telling him what's in store for him just yet since what fun would that be if he knows what's going to happen.

I mean what fun is there if he were to just tell his student that he's both a great hero that everyone wonders about but also one of the most despicable beings ever that only did one act of evil but it was enough to cause the whole world to loose its mind as he broke everyone out of black gate jail and was never seen nor heard from again escaping the sights of both Superman and Batman.

Who else can say that they had successfully evaded the worlds greatest detective and the blue boy wonder who can see any and everything and even hear all the sweet things you tell your lady or lad in the den of the night should neither of them be wearing lead.

Like who else can say that they've done that and got away with it cause not even corrupt officers of the law in GCPD are able to get away with selling evidence or accepting deals from the falcone family or other mafia families could get away with any of it for long before Batman appears and sends them all to the E.R. while with Superman the second anyone from Metropolis even thinks of doing it he could be there to talk them out of it.

But Fortis managed to do just that all within a day whilst being able to date both the girls he broke out and have a nice time with both the team and another girl that he really liked while being in direct contact with both hero's and then helping them put some of the men he broke out right back in jail.

And speaking of girls and dates before Fortis went of to train Marcel this week he was brought aside by Megan who had started fumbling her words but before she could find the time or words he kissed her on the forehead and bumped his against hers.

Fortis: "(Talks somewhat sad) I know what you're about to say and I agree that we should both go our separate ways I mean (backs away from Miss Martian and makes a flag that has her and superboy's symbols fussed together.) I'm a huge supporter of both of you and I know that when we were dating that I wasn't exactly the best boyfriend in the world but... you and I both know were better as friends than lovers."

Megan: "(Weak little laugh) I wonder were it all went wrong for all of us."

Fortis: "We both know the answer to that but now (messes up her hair) you can decide whether or not you want to be with Conner and get a fix on the power that you used without care or are you going to continue being reckless and be a burden and a danger to everyone else around you!"

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