Alpha Males

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While the base inside Mount Justice gets repaired none of the team is willing to speak nor look at Fortis since he "betrayed the team" by not being there for them like he knows everything that's going to happen.

And he doesn't know if he's doing anything to change what was meant to be or not making any and everything that he does know essentially useless during events like this, and nothing helps more to make cracks appear than pressure and that's just what happens when it's revealed Aqualad thinks there might be a traitor within the league.

Batman: "Enough. With Red Tornado missing, the team will now be overseen by rotating supervisors. Captain marvel has volunteered to take the first shift."

Captain marvel: "I'm really looking forward to hanging with you guys."

Conner: "After I dismantle Red Tornado, you and I are gonna...."

Batman: "Red Tornado is a member of the Justice League. That makes him a League responsibility. You will leave him to us. I have another assignment for this team."

After saying that holograms start popping up showing different as he begins telling everyone about what their new mission while he changes the image to the next slide.

After saying that holograms start popping up showing different as he begins telling everyone about what their new mission while he changes the image to the next slide

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Wally: ""Gotham Mayor attacked by guerilla gorilla"?"

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Wally: ""Gotham Mayor attacked by guerilla gorilla"?"

Robin: "Batman, please! Tell me you're not sending us on this joke of a wild ape chase."

Batman: "(Stern and serious) I never joke about the mission. I've checked the sources. I've studied the patterns. Mayor hill's encounter is only the latest in a series of incidents. Aqualad, you and your team will depart for India and check this out."

As everyone gets inside the bioship Fortis sees Superboy tell Sphere to stay before everyone makes their way towards India to try and find out what was going on over there; and even though silence is somewhat the norm on missions the silence made by the tension in the air is making things a bit too much for Fortis since both Ghia'ta and Per lynn are yelling at him to do something.

Once the bioship gets close enough to India where everyone can get down GL starts flying away doing his own thing since no one was willing to even talk to him making it to where he had nothing better to do but try his hand at hunting again.

GL: "I wonder if I got sloppy."

Was all he said before flying away as everyone looks at his for once wondering what he meant by that as he flew away and once, he landed a pack of wolf's appeared and tried their best to attack him.

As the wolfs charge at him GL makes a giant wooden stick and proceeds to use it to teach them some manners; whenever a wolf charged at the man he would dodge out of the way and poke or slam his wooden staff at the wolfs.

Whenever that wouldn't work, or they got to close for him to do so he would punch or kick them away before bashing them away with his stick like they were baseballs, and he was trying to get a home run.

After awhile it sort of becomes relaxing like dancing or playing a rhythm game but instead of an annoying sound that comes out when you fail it's your own voice screaming in pain as they bite, scratch, or try their best to maul you.

But like most thing eventually it had to come to an end since both GL and the pack were getting tired and just as fortis thought he was going to face the big bad alpha he looked up only to see that the giant white wolf had left.

GL: "Well that makes things less fun."

He said while flopping down on the ground to try and catch his breath while his regen started to kick in healing his wounds before they got any worse, become permanent scars, or just make life annoying for a bit.

While he rested Ghia'ta and Per Lynn were still looking at him sternly but this time they weren't saying anything giving him the silent treatment instead until they got their way with him talking to the team and trying to patch things up with them.

Once his healing was finished, he jumped up and started walking towards were the loudest noise until he came across a giant static field that had both Captain Marvel and a giant tiger and as he tried to go help them, he felt something hard hit the back of his head right before passing out. 

GL: "Ugh... Where am (looks up and around) this sucks."

The man woke up and noticed that he was now trapped inside an evil mad scientist looking lair with every part of him free except for his hand that had his bracelet which looked to be locked tighter than how Captain marvel appeared to be.

Brain: "Ah.. it is so good of you to wake up I do so hope mala didn't hurt you too much."

Even though what he said was somewhat nice he looked evil and wicked especially since he had a saw attached to his claw thing while from what GL could see were plans on how he wanted to experiment or lobotomies Captain Marvel.

GL: "You know as kind as you made this seem (struggles to leave) I do think it's time I leave."

Brain: "Well that is too bad for we have so many plans for you."

Just when GL thought Captain Marvel was about to get his head sawn off a tiger attacked the brain in a jar before Superboy bursts through a wall with the giant white wolf GL had seen earlier as the team rushed in to save both Captain Marvel and him.

While they were all fighting Superboy smiled as he ripped the chains holding GL in place off out of the wall seeming to enjoy doing so quite a bit more than he probably should have and once everything was said and done as everyone went back to the bioship and made their way home GL started saying how sorry he was (mostly being forced by Ghia'ta).

GL: "Sorry I left you all alone back then I had no idea that this would happen, and I had something I had to do."

Kid Flash: "What's more important than the team?"

GL: "Helping someone find happiness."

Once he said that everyone stayed quite until everyone reached home where everyone started acting like nothing had happened but a little bit closer at the same time except for GL who seemed a bit lonely until Wally grabbed him and invited him to play some games.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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