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You see Kid Flash and Aqua lad playing a holographic version of air hokey as everyone else sit's back and watches and after Wally gets a win you all hear the computer.

Computer: "Regonized, Superboy, B-0-4."

Miss Martian: "Hi Superboy how was metropolis."

You: "He seems more annoyed than usual."

Black Canary: "Ready for training, everyone?"

Miss Martian: "Black Canary! Uncle J'onn!"

Martian Manhunter: "M'gann, I was in the neighborhood, So I thought I'd see how you were adjusting."

Miss Martian: "A few bumps, but I'm learning."

Martian Manhunter: "That's all I can ask."

As both Martians talked you saw Superboy what you believe to be if anger was showing correctly that he was more than a little annoyed for some reason.

Black Canary: "Stick around. Class is in session."

You then see miss Canary walk onto the holographic projector and once she had stopped walking the area around her started to become white most likely indicating the size of the fighting ring.

Black Canary: "I consider it an honor to be your teacher. I'll throw a lot at you-- Everything I've learned from my own mentors--uh!-- And my own bruises."

Miss Martian asked a question that made you go aww because of how innocent and naïve she was even though not to long ago you were all busting heads on a criminal island.

Black Canary: "Now, combat is about controlling conflict, Putting the battle on your terms. You should always be acting, never reacting. I'll need a sparring partner."

Kid Flash then steps up to the plate and kinda acts like you would but instead of how long you would have lasted Wally finished in just under five seconds.

Black Canary: "Good block. But did anyone see what he did wrong?"

Robin: "Ooh, ooh. He hit on teacher and got served?"

Kid Flash: "Dude!"

Black Canary: "He allowed me to dictate the terms of..."

Superboy: "Oh, please. With my powers, the battle's always on my terms. I'm a living weapon, and this is a waste of my time."

Black Canary: "Prove but instead of me you will be facing "Gold lantern"."

Gold Lantern: "Alright."

When you said that almost everyone was confused because one you agreed with out saying anything and the other was because they all thought you were going to say pretty much the same things as Wally.

Unlike what happened when you first arrived this time you never once attacked Superboy instead you moved around and forced him to go down by either tripping him or dodging out of the way when he would try to hit you with a charge attack.

And after long enough everyone begins to realize two things one was that you were actually good at fighting and the other was that he was going easy on all of them because you didn't really have to do anything.

Superboy: "That's it. I'm done."

Black Canary: "Training is mandatory."

Batman then appears in the cave as he tells everyone their next mission and after everyone got their designations you all began to move out while you answered some of their questions.

Kid Flash: "So... you were going easy on us."

You: "You can believe what you want."

Kid Flash: "Okay..."

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