Happy new year

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New Year same me as the saying goes at least with the only difference being the progress that had been made with Al James business having become a booming success thanks to all the different stories Fortis had told him throughout the years.

Even after five years with some of his friends having left to pursue their own things while some stayed behind the team had still not fully forgiven Fortis for what happened but the one good thing about facing off against the goth kid was that it helped to mind their relationship even if it was just a tiny bit.

What really changed was that Fortis was now dating Miss Martian along with Zatanna who had lots of things to say at first but eventually gave in and let it happen after much prodding, talking, and actions that may be deemed either healthy or abusive depending on how one looks at it.

With Wally leaving the team and being a hero all together it made everything a little bit darker since made things a little more lively but taking up that mantle was Garfield Logan aka Beast Boy who was now the adoptive brother of Megan.

But the weirdest thing to happen so far at least in the eyes of everyone was the fact that Fortis of all people had somehow gotten multiple invites to join the Justice League from many members most notably Superman but he had turned them all down.

Dick: "So Fortis why don't you join you league you'd make a great addition to their roster."

Fortis: "I'm not really League material and besides I feel more comfortable with the team then I do with them. "

While the two talked Artemis and Superboy where staring daggers at Fortis the entire time to which he just looked at both of them smiled and continued talking to Dick like nothing was wrong at all while the two sulked together.

Dick: "You know they're angry at you right?"

Fortis: "I know."

Dick: "Think you could maybe try to make them not angry at you."

Fortis: "No not really. Anyway so how are the new members doing?"

Dick: "There doing alright (Computer goes off in the background) alright good talk I gotta brief the team."

After five years not much has really changed for Fortis personally other than the fact that he had learned some new things to make with his bracelet for the people he cares about with the very first one being Harley Quinn once she got back from her trip and was happy to show Fortis how much she missed him which did lead to a knife in the chest but after a long battle between the two they eventually made peace with Fortis giving her a golden ring.

After five years not much has really changed for Fortis personally other than the fact that he had learned some new things to make with his bracelet for the people he cares about with the very first one being Harley Quinn once she got back from he...

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                    (Thanks to Jesse21177 for the image and idea check out his stuff if you want)

Harley: "Now I'm no expert in love given my past relationships but I don't think your supposed to give a ring to a girl after your first hook up especially when they try to kill ya."

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