First Mission MK II

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Marcel lets out a great big sigh as his team mates all look at him somewhat confused since to them he had never done so before as their leader and were getting a little worried about him since today was their big day when their resting period had ended and they were all allowed to go on another mission.

Marcel: "(Clears his throat as he tries his best to mimic a superman standing pose without it looking like one) Listen I know that some of you might be ready for this but I want you all to know that if none of you feel anything good about the mission or that it's something we can all learn, accomplish, or succeed then let me know as I will be more than willing to step down from the mission. So long as it means that each and every single one of you are still safe and able to be with the people you care for once the sun shines upon them once they awaken tomorrow. But if you are willing and able then I ask you to look after one another because although you all look up to me I myself have limitations and might not be there for any of you should you need so do not hesitate to ask or make a withdrawal from you're situation if you feel it to be too dangerous!"

All his teammates just look at each other and laugh with one of them even having a tear come out of their eye from laughing to hard as they then continue putting on all their equipment before they go on to meet up with Black Canary or whoever was running ops at the moment for the team.

Marcel: "(Whispers to Fortis?) What'd I say that was so funny?"

Fortis?: "Maybe the you that they all know and remember used to say similar things to them which seemed to put them at ease from your giant sigh earlier."

Marcel: "(Whispers to Fortis?) Well it's not like I am the guy... well technically  I am but you know what I mean! So I don't really know much if anything about them heck I barley meet them on the last mission/ my first mission and still have no idea what they really do or what changes may have happen (looks as Fiona and Max) and there's no telling what they have up their sleeve either!"

Fortis?: "Just try your best to remember what they could do before things got all timmy wimmy while also keeping an eye on Max and Fiona to see what they can do as well as if they could be double agents or just regular up and coming hero's since. (Stands side by side Max and Fiona as the rest of the team look at Marcel waiting for him to catch up) Neither of us truly know why they were in that time field nor do we have any idea what their capable of... (stares at Max's face and Fiona's) I mean besides they both look quite attractive and that Max looks techno while Fiona looks like primal batman or more like Red Hood from her outfit choice."

Marcel just rolls his eyes as the team steps aside to let him past, not asking any questions since they are all most likely already used to this behaver from their leader and have already accepted that he might be a little crazy but is otherwise still good a enough leader as well as well as someone they can trust their backs to.

Black Canary: "Alright so this time you're mission is pretty simple. (Pulls up a hologram of the pink haired and red haired woman as Marcel stumbles a bit as his nose bleeds a little only to then look back up and see that none of it seemed to happen and that the picture was instead of two woman and a politician.) We believe that someone has been (starts getting tuned out)-"

Marcel: "(Whispers) What the heck was that?"

Fortis?: "Kid you better be thankful that anyone inside the bracelet can also experience what the newest user can."

Marcel: "(Whispers) And why is that?"

Fortis?: "Because it appears that you caught a time bug."

Marcel: "(Whispers) What the heck is that?"

Fortis: "It's what happens whenever someone meets risky time travelers who don't care about how they get back in time just that they do."

Marcel: "(Whispers) What do you mean?"

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