Mastering your Fear

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When you had started to try and fight the giant yellow beast that was creating chaos all across your mind and any time you had tried to harm it nothing had happened and instead you felt fear and saw the things that terrified you to your very core as the beast just smiled and seemed to laugh at your efforts.

And after a while of trying and failing at doing anything other than getting that creature to laugh at any and all of your efforts to try and fight it or when you made any sort of attempt at trying to get rid of it or fix any of the damage that it had caused inside of you.

So, with no other options that you could do at the moment you decide to leave and try to figure out how to get rid of everything that creature had made inside of you but when you touched them you felt like it was touching a very sticky web and you then felt greater and greater fear the longer you touched them.

And after fighting your way out of the yellow webs of fear you then fall back into another place inside your mind, but this place has nothing inside of it and no matter how much you walk all you see is darkness but then you start to see a light and as you rush on over to it you then fall inside of a golden palace.

And after you look around the inside of the place you start to see portraits of the many different things that you had accomplished over the long amount of time that you had been using the bracelet of power and you then walked over to one portrait that was not of you but of who you had guessed was the previous owner of the bracelet, but you could not see much as all it was.

Was a dark picture of someone getting hit by an arrow in the night with the only thing showing that was not dark was the bracelet as it shun a bright golden hue on his wrist and that was the only thing that you could see that had involved the one who came before you and nothing else.

When you got done looking around you then found another room that had pillars with orbs that looked like all of the different gems that fitted your bracelet but each of them had a different symbol that you had no idea what they meant but one of those spheres had seemed broken.

And it was the one that had looked in similar color to the creature that had been damaging and spreading its influence all around the insides of your mind like a spider making an intricate web all across an area that it feels belongs to it and not caring about what it annoys or bothers because of its web.

But after looking around a while you then found out that by touching each and every single orb you then felt a different emotion that had made you experience a vastly different emotion just as powerful as with the fear you felt from the creature which you did not like at all being controlled by these things and forced to feel a different way with the only way to relief some of it was to send it somehow to other people.

So after looking at everything you could and reading some of the different skills you had learned from your travels you thought up a way to finally defeat the creature that was inside of you but you must first practice the moves that you had lost the edge you once had since you could not do any of that with none of your powers working nor could you find any place to make the gear you needed to practice your own skills.

So, you then practiced your skills and then relearned everything that you had forgotten and after a long while when you had finally felt like you finished your retraining you then left the gold throne room as you called it since it looked like what a king's room would look like and was mostly gold all around the area.

The only way that you could think of being the way out of the area would be through one of the portraits since you entered one by accident once and it was like a life-sized piece of art so that you could see everything there and if you said play it would then remake the entire scene of what had happened as much as the bracelet recorded for the event.

But before you could even try you then saw a door that was not there for any day prior to this one so you went through the door, and it had lead you back to the beast and it had not been kind to your mind as its webs of fear spread every where and the creature had looked quite at peace with itself after transforming your mind more into its liking.

And when both of you saw each other you both had big smiles on your faces for vastly different reasons but for you was because you felt like you could make the thing submit to you and follow your will to do what you wanted it to do instead of you being forced to experience any and all fears that where inside you and amplified because of the beast.

And then the battle begins with you clearing out all of the webs that it had made and even thought it had made you experience tremendous fear you pushed on and got rid of more and more of the webs and as you did so you made the creature more and more angered at you which just made you smile more and more.

And when you had cleared all that where around you but the few strands that made up its throne was all that you had left since you could touch it without fear of getting stuck by it before you were ready.

And that is all for now and since I had missed it last time I will either be posting another one today or tomorrow so until then hope you all liked this one and until next time stay safe and peace

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