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Everyone within Mount Justice was out with something to do while Fortis only had a bag of chips, some comics, and a spot on the sofa but he's been doing that enough and now he wanted to do something else sp passing on the lazy torch to Garfield much to his pleasure Fortis steps out of the cave to find something to do today.

But the very second he does so Fortis realizes that he doesn't have a clue on what to do so he just walks around for a bit until he sees a tv in the window that let him know what day it was today which brought a small tear to his eye but he immediately shook it off and started to walk away.

T.V.: "And In other news there seems to be two god like entities fighting it out across the north pacific and while we may not know what they are after this reporter just hopes that if there is a good one they will and if there bad may they make it quick."

Hearing that Fortis has a bit of a dilemma since he's technically a hero but at the same time fighting against what might be actual gods is not something that he doesn't really think matter but then he thinks of how cool a fight it would be especially if he won.

So turning into his Superhero alter ego Gold Lantern creates a jet pack to help blast him all the way towards the fighting god like beings breaking at least two wind barriers because he felt bursting through them before quickly arriving at the location.

Arriving on site he sees a giant Ice creature that seems to be freezing the area around it with the one it's clobbering being a giant fire like being that looked to be made of lava that was boiling and burning anything that was near it as it blew ...

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Arriving on site he sees a giant Ice creature that seems to be freezing the area around it with the one it's clobbering being a giant fire like being that looked to be made of lava that was boiling and burning anything that was near it as it blew fire on the the Ice creature.

In the center of the creatures seemed to be a dark patch but the most notable thing he could see was how neither of the creatures seemed to either know or acknowledge that he was next to them at all and were very focused on their fight.

GL: "Hmmm... I have no idea if there good or bad but (Creates a giant broadsword one in every color of lantern rings he controls and combines them to make an even bigger blade as he slices the beast heads off) Well that sucks (sees heads regrow) I thought this might happen but I would have liked it if they had stayed down better."

Cutting their heads off seemed to get their attention as the creatures looked towards GL and both tried to strike him but since he was basically a fly compared to them he managed to dodge some what easily especially thanks to the jet pack he still had but for some reason he feels a pain with in him.

???: "Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight!"

Was all he heard from a voice that seemed to be echoing inside his head and with him coughing up some blood he saw some veins or veins starting to appear and grow across his arms and quite possibly all over him.

Somehow the creatures seemed to have infected him with something that was quite possibly trying to turn him into one of them and while he is hopefully immune to whatever they were trying to do to him it just made things a whole lot worse as he felt whatever was inside him try and take over while his body fought just as hard to stay in control.

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