Welcome to 31 home

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When you finally arrive at the familiar looking galaxy you start crying tears of joy as you would finally be home again and see everyone you missed and learn more about what had changed since you left.

But there was no home for you when you got back as there was nothing the same as when you left you knew time had passed when you were out traveling but you had no idea it was enough to completely change everything that you once called home.

As you ran and looked around to try and find anything that looked even remotely similar you found nothing and as you have a mini breakdown episode the two girls who traveled with you to keep an eye on you from what you could guess at least actually helped you through a bit of the pain of pretty much losing everything that was home and having nowhere to go back to.

As they help you get back on your feet, they take you to the only place that might make you feel at peace, you don't really want to go but since you have no idea where to go or what to do you follow them anyway as it's the only thing you could do.

When you all got there, you saw a man striking what you could guess to be a heroic pose before walking in and seeing a bunch of things that made no sense to you, but you pretended that it did after seeing the looks on the girls faces of pure happiness and wanting you to be happy as well.

You saw a bunch of someone's life and other people all acting heroic while also being normal and as both girls were looking around like it was the best thing ever to do the same with the crowds of people all around you, you just sat down on a near...

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You saw a bunch of someone's life and other people all acting heroic while also being normal and as both girls were looking around like it was the best thing ever to do the same with the crowds of people all around you, you just sat down on a nearby bench waiting for them to be done since there were the only ones who could let you know more about this place.

???: "Hey mind if I sit with you."

???: "So you a fan of the man of steel too

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???: "So you a fan of the man of steel too."

You: "[questioning look on your face] who the heck is the man of steel the only thing I got from this that seemed like home was the symbol I once saw from a baby years ago."

After saying that the man just laughed harder than you think he ever laughed before with tears in his eyes coming from how funny he thought what you had said was.

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