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After seeing the destruction of everything that had once been called home for many people all of whom you called family or helped them make a family and as you walked along the different paths that were once filled with happiness and delight were now nothing more than pieces of debris and broken dreams you had for it.

After having calmed down enough to be in your normal from and looking at everything that has been ruined both because of you rampaging and because of the selfishness of others you had decided on the only thing that you could do and that was REVENGE!!!

After getting rid of the last shred of care you had for the area and everyone else in the world you then continued/ restarted your hunter career so that you could have a reason to go to other areas and destroy everything there as you no longer needed to care about others as long as it was on this world but not enough to not care about certain people or things that you used to.

While getting rid of the other dangerous beings that lived on this planet other than the people you still helped out anyone that you could because even though you stopped caring about others does not mean that you stopped being yourself in wanting to help others in need.

After a long while of taking care of monsters and regaining your old level in the hunter groups you then started to hear more about the people who caused you to lose everything you had and plotted to do more to you and spread false rumors about how you were when the old you was still around.

While doing your job of hunting things others could or would not do you did it mainly to increase your strength as a form of getting revenge on all those you deemed needed it while also figuring out better ways of using and combining the different styles of combat you learned over the years of you traveling to different areas and living there for a while.

As you learned, worked, and perfected the basics of the different ways of fighting you had learned you eventually found your way to the first person on your list of those who need punishment (Punisher style) you looked around as you continued on to the place, he had called for the meeting.

You could see that the area under his command looked a lot like your when you had first got started with it and no matter what you saw you felt nothing towards any of them because of the fact that it would all end soon as the new world was going to be plunged into chaos for what you were going to do as they were all members of the council that governed the place.

The second you walked in the guy started to talk about things you could have cared less about but the second he started to talk about the areas under his command he said that the area you controlled was all his and that the previous manager of it could not play ball he took it away from him.

It was a nice sounding way of what had really happened while making a mockery of everything you had went through to make a safe place for others to live how they wanted, and that was the point you cut him down and everyone in his employment as well just to make sure that there could be no one else to take his place and change back what was about to come.

As you left the area you could already see the world starting to morph as there was no longer a reason for the people to be the way they were and that there was no longer a person who could tell them what to do and as you left you could hear the happiness coming from the embodiment of your rage while the others were not all that pleased by what you had done and had begun to plan other than fear.

After taking the night off for hunting and making contact with others so that everything could settle for what you had just done you trained your body to no longer need to consume anything to survive as you constantly healed because of the bracelet while also trying to combine all the different styles of fighting into one while also learning more about just what the bracelet could do with all its different colors.

When you finished your training and getting the materials needed to be processed to get the reward for the task you took to have as a cover for why it took so long for you to return to the city or any city that had a hunter's guild so as no one would guess that you were the cause of all the problems that had just occurred.

And as you saw the fruits of your labor at everyone either being all panicky or others seeing this as their chance to lead a better life than they currently were you just kept on taking jobs while making sure that everything was coming along smoothly for getting revenge on the council by taking away everything, they had worked hard to build just like they had done to you.

And as you worked you started to hear talk about what the other council members were planning or trying to get done but all it led to was them being normal politicians back on your planet making false promises to try and not cause panic to the masses.

As you realized that the rest of the people that were quite a bit away from the destroyed and chaotic lands that you both used to own and the one that you had just made from what once was a council members area of control and residence.

And as anger filled you up you then moved on after getting the help from some of the positive feelings you got from your other gems powers before venturing off to one of the other areas that had called you to make some more chaos all without realizing a little orange glow.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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