Leeet's GO DINO!

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Traversing around the area with Lotor, Mink, and Vortus all going around sneaking their way along things and by the way Marcel has no idea what any of their real names are since it's hard to believe that a Lotor an alien luchador, ninja, samurai is their real name especially with them being in costume and everything.

And don't even dare to look at Mink who wears an outfit that barley hides anything off her feminine body.... and the weird part about all of that is the fact she gets super embarrassed should anyone she knows look at her and like how can a woman who wears bright pink clothes, with regular pink hair, and dark pink skin can blend in anywhere!

Vortus is pretty much the most normal if you ignore the fact that he's technically dead and seems to like every aspect of pain with him either just not caring or him wearing a normal hoodie, jeans, and boots but all black with a skull on all of them is his hero outfit.

Forits?: "Hmm... I think your team is an... interesting one to say the least."

Marcel: "(Whispers) I swear when I find out who put me here I'm going to try my best to knock them into next year."

Lets go back in time a bit all the way back to 6:50 in the morning were Virgil and his little team were getting briefed on the stakeout missions seeming to be a well oiled machine for the most part but if you were to look over at Marcel's team you would see Lotor doing standing push ups, Mink wearing a long trench coat applying make up with Vortus checking himself out in the mirror!

Marcel could go into what went wrong since they were about 5 MILES AWAY FROM THEIR DROP ZONE!!! But as a fully grown adult man Marcel calms down a bit and begins walking with them for however long it would take for them all to get where they needed to be in the first place.

Oh and if you were to wonder why Marcel wasn't flying it was for two reasons or at least three reasons if you want to be all technical with the first reason being whoever's in the shack they have radars that can detect anything that's above or below them, the second being that he has no real idea how to do so, and the last being that Mink and Vortos don't want to be carried around by him while Lotor would only do so if he could sit on Marcel's back like Marcel's some sort of airplane.

So no flying with them taking a mother-box boom-tube to get all the way over to where they needed to go buy anyways climbing to the top of a sandy hill everyone else starts talking and getting ready for whatever their planning.

And while they were doing that Marcel squats down and grabs a hand full of sand and just casually lets it blow in the mind checking something and looking around he see's a dead tree just hanging out in the middle of the sandy dune with the only bits of life forming a ring around the shack.

Fortis?: "What you thinking kid?"

Marcel: "The sand feels warm even though the sun has barley started coming up, the sand goes against the wind, and why is their a tree in the dessert with life only seeming to flourish around the cabin!"

Fortis?: "This place seems to suck up the life force around it does it not?"

Marcel: "Yea I'm thinking the same thing but what can I really do?"

Fortis?: "(Slaps Marcel upside the head) Did you already forget with the power of the Gold Lantern you could do anything you want so long as you don't try to mess with the prime elements."

Just as Marcel was about to say something he could hear the rest of his team sliding down the sandy hill towards the shack with him sighing in frustration and annoyance before he himself does the same so he could hopefully save them before anything truly bad happens.

Entering the building Marcel sees for the most part that it looks to be a normal Hut in the middle of nowhere for someone who used to like hunting what with all the random, tacky, and poor taxidermy all over the place and when he says theirs a lot trust Marcel when he say's theirs a lot.

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