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Ring Master: "Damen und Herren, Mesdames et Messieurs Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to the Haly International Travelling Circus! Where the world in the center ring is your oyster and these are our latest pearls! The Daring Dangers! Dan Danger! Dante Danger! Dawn Danger! Diane Danger! Dwayne Danger! and Dean Danger! You'll never see another trapeze act like this, folks, And all of it, without a net!"

As everyone is watching Dan Danger preform an amazing yet dangerous performance Fortis is walking around behind the curtain checking everything out while listing in just in case something goes horribly wrong which thankfully it doesn't as he hears Robin talking through the telepathic link.

Ring Master: "Hey! What are you doing your still on (starts pushing Fortis) now get out there and do what you do best."

Going back in time a bit when everyone was dressed normally while they were still inside Mount Justice Robin is showing everyone a list of crimes that happened to coincide with the arrival of a certain travailing Circus act.

Batman had given the go ahead of this mission while telling them that they had to go incognito for this mission which lead to everyone pretending to be family except for Wally who was not allowed to come for some reason by Robin.

Now back to present day Dante aka Fortis is doing his performance by dodging anyone and anything that gets thrown at him from the audience members to the Circus itself sending out whatever they have to put on an amazing show which casually evolved into them basically trying to kill him which would have succeeded if he faltered for even a second.

Dante was spinning through the air as the audience tried to pelt him with whatever they had on him mostly food related products while also getting hit with a whip, bowling pins, and other random but also dangerous things that would hurt a lot if he got hit.

Once the act finished he took a bow as he dodged sideways like a beautiful dance when someone fired a cannon at him and since it was a Circus it was either a clown or some other wacky item made to get a good laugh at how ridicules it was.

Finally backstage everyone was talking about who they suspected the criminal to be while some of the other acts seemed to be feeling other the weather and while for some reason this guy named Tom liked to get touchy with everyone in the act which may have been odd but Fortis did everything he could to casually avoid contact with the guy.

Tom: "(Scratches his head) Those were some might fine moves you did there makes a person wonder what you've gone through?"

Dante: "Nothing much just some normal training so that I could get better than what I once was."

As they talked Tom tried to touch Fortis ever so casually at almost every turn he could all of which failed thanks to Fortis's training before they both headed their separate ways and the best thing about being an unknown super is that no one really knows what your power looks like.

Which comes in handy a lot more than he thought it would in a Circus as he helps the other acts when they may need it while also cleaning up everything he was asked which gave him some oddly nostalgic vibes that he couldn't quite figure out why.

With some heated drama from the team and Ghia'ta and Per Lynn getting angsty themselves Fortis decided to leave for a bit while stating that he was doing so to get some fresh air and while outside he saw that Robin was looking at a poster for a troop called the "Amazing Grayson's".

One look at Robins face told him everything he needed to know so he turned right back around and went back inside his little area as Artemis and Red Arrow were going at it about something and as he tried to sleep eventually their sounds started to drown out with a look of relief appearing on his face as it happened.

He gotten woke up by Superboy tossing him violently onto the floor as it was go time to get the man behind all the crimes with everyone else rushing out of the compartment Fortis reveals his bracelet and starts running after the bad guy as well.

Eventually they find the guy doing things that don't seem all that possible for at least one man since everything he was doing were the abelites of all the other performers all rolled into one big bad guy who seems to be having fun beating the others.

It doesn't help when both Fortis and Superboy arrive because as the guy held Miss Martian by the throat he looked at Superboy like he was staring at the best meal during thanksgiving dinner which weirded Fortis out a bit but he managed to shrug it off as they both rushed at the beast man.

GL: "(Gets swatted away) Okay does anyone know what the deal with this guy is?"

Robin: "Negative (throws a punch only to get lifted and thrown at the team)."

Superboy: "Either way he's going to pay!"

Superboy rushes at the masked man only to get pinned below him as the man touches Superboys shoulder before flying away with either Superboy or Miss Martians powers while the people who can still stand help those that can't up and back to their train car.

With the mood now being at an all time low Ghia'ta and Per Lynn are trying to get Fortis to do something to improve it but even he's not budging because their is no way to make everyone feel better at loosing some of their friends while also getting beaten like they were nothing by whatever that thing was.

Fortis "The shows not over just yet with their is still one more stop left before this guy gets away. So forget about the loss that we all faced and instead lets focus on reviewing everything we learned about the battle and come up with a game plan on how to win next time we face him."

At first no one talks but after a little while everyone begins to talk and review everything they learned from their fight and begin making a game plan on how they were going to win and when their was another shot to get him everyone starting running around the train to catch him while Fortis stayed back.

Only to get pulled by both Superboy and Robin and while they may not know it by them doing that made him a little bit happier as they all ran around the place to find out who the bad guy was and where he might have gone with everything he had stolen.

While everyone looked around Fortis felt someone grab his head and slam it into the wall hurting him like crazy but not enough to where he couldn't fight back but when he turned around to strike whatever did so had vanished like the wind.

Fortis: "Well this sucks."

When everyone meets back up they find out that the Tom guy who was giving him bad vibes was the bad guy and where his hideout was located at the moment and as they all rushed towards where he was located Fortis started to faulter a bit but shook it off.

Bursting through everything to face off against Parasite the guy they were fighting against looked at everyone there like he was at an all you can eat buffy while looking at Fortis like he was an appetizer that came before the meal.

Fortis: "I don't know why but his look is making me angry anyone else."

Superboy: "Yes."

Fortis: "You're always angry."

Everyone charges at Parasite so they can fight him but obviously seem to lose since he absorbed a lot of their powers making him really hard to beat but with all of them knowing their own weaknesses start using them together.

Miss Martian: "You not only took our powers but our weaknesses as well (lights a fire around a ring of oil made by Aqualad and the others)."

While gasping for air like a Martian usually does when near fire Parasite tries to do something but fails miserably probably trying to do what Fortis does but he may be able to take what makes others powerful but what Fortis can do is only possible through training and his bracelet.

Getting second degree burns Parasite eventually passes out on the floor while Fortis pokes him with a stick to see that he was till alive but was now out cold for the moment causing everyone to sigh in relief all at the same time before they all laugh at how stupid it was.

And with a snap of his fingers Fortis made a gate back to Mount Justice for everyone to go through if they wanted which some took while others didn't as they all head to where every they wanted to do how they pleased for the rest of the night.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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