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Superboy: "Jealous much?"

You: "Talking about you or your bike (passes lug nut wrench)."

Superboy: "(Smirks and takes wrench) Why not both."

Miss Martian: "Ready for school? I made our lunches."

You: "(Throws bag) And that is full of nothing but cash in case either (looks at Superboy) need it (Miss Martian proceeds to throw a random object at you to which you catch and throw back)."

Martian Manhunter: "The first day of a scholastic season carries great cultural resonance. We want to wish you both well."

Superboy: "Guess it's not a Kryptonian thing?"

Aqualad: "You may wish to change before you depart."

Miss Martian: "Ah, I spent hours choosing this outfit. What do you think? Can M'gann M'orzz pass as an Earth girl now?"

Aqualad: "Well..."

Miss Martian: "Just kidding. Meet Megan Morse. What's your new name?"

 What's your new name?"

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Superboy: "My what?"

Martain Manhunter: "I chose the name John Jones for myself and suggested John Smith for Red Tornado. You could be a John, too."

Superboy & You: "Pass

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Superboy & You: "Pass."

Megan: "Conner's always been my favorite name (Superboy shrugs)."

Aqualad: "A last name will also be required."

Martain Manhunter: "Perhaps Kent."

You try your best to hold back any and all reactions from just how stupid all of this is to you.

Megan: "Oh, in memory of Dr. Fate, the late Kent Nelson."

John: "Uh.... (Changes back) Of course."

Superboy: "Ok. Sure. I guess it would be an honor or something."

Megan: "Well, Conner Kent, time to change your shirt (Superboy grabs his shirt wondering why he has to change). You don't want to reveal your identity."

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