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Fortis: "(Playing song over his radio) Listen well my young disciple! For you are no longer a mere mortal for you are now greater than the others! For you have mastered everything I could ever teach you!"

Marcel: "(Stops the music) What the heck are you talking about! I get that I've gotten stronger but what the heck are you talking about."

Fortis: "(Continues the song as he jumps down from the second floor rafters) I really mean it (gives box wrapped tightly) There's nothing else I can teach you as you've already learned everything that I can teach you."

Marcel: "Are you kidding me! You've barley taught me anything old man! (places hand on chest while his other arm goes the same direction like an arrow) The only thing you've ever taught me is how to fight and how to get beaten up! Everything you "taught" me I already knew and anything I didn't learn I eventually found out by myself! I've seen you fight for crying out loud! You've still got loads of things to teach me!!!"

Fortis: "(Music stops) While it is true that I know a lot of things and a lot more ways on how to fight but sadly (places hand on Marcels shoulder) you have as much talent with them as I do making Batman laugh, heck you have the same level of talent I do to make Trigon seem like a saint compared to some of the aliens I knew, you have the same level of talent as I do when it comes to being humble and easy to understand."

Marcel: "Wha-"

Fortis: "You have the same amount of talent in those fighting styles as Superboy being able to control his rage, you have the same amount of talent a bizzarro version of batman finding out who stole a cookie from the cookie jar, you have the same amount of talent as the Bat families parents and I mean blood related parents except for one. You have the same amount of talent for those techniques as a mute being able to become a pop star, you have the same level of talent for those techniques as the amount of hair on Lex Luthor's shiny head."

Marcel: "What the heck are you saying!"

Fortis: "I'm saying what I know is completely pointless to someone like you who is honestly the worst when you are forced to do something in the normal way that everyone else does I mean (gets in a fighting stance)"

Fortis: "I'm saying what I know is completely pointless to someone like you who is honestly the worst when you are forced to do something in the normal way that everyone else does I mean (gets in a fighting stance)"

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(This is how the pose looks)

Fortis: "Take this for example this is something I learned on the planet Spock where a person has to be like flowing water and attack using their opponents attack momentum to their advantage."

Fortis moves around Marcel in a way that confuses Marcel as while Fortis looks normal anytime Marcel angrily tries to attack his mentor without knowing how or when he gets thumped in the head and has to re look for Fortis.

Fortis: "While it may look fluid and easy it was a real pain learning how to do it to that level. And this style doesn't even work unless your opponent is right in front of you with you having the exact same range, speed, and ability to strike at them moments after they just did."

Without even letting Marcel have time to understand or change gears in anyway Fortis grabs a metal pole from the ground with his foot and proceeds to wield it like a blade one with a lot of emphasize in performance like that of a play.

Fortis: "(Brings the metal pole to his chest) This is the Kirk Sword arts where the focus is more into faking out your enemies than delivering the first blow (swings the metal pole around) the point is this is to make you're opponent believe you are doing one thing when in reality your doing something else entirely."

As to give an example Fortis begins to charge at Marcel and once he got close enough he looked as if he was about to swing the metal pole which Marcel was getting ready for only to then get greeted in the gut but Fortis leg kicking him in the chest.

Following up on this Fortis gets ready to kick Marcel again which he expects only to then get meet with a very hard and sharp slap across his face at ignoring the metal pole that he had in his hands and was ready to defend against earlier.

Fortis: "This is something that requires a grand deal of instinct to which you do have mind you but you also need to be subtle and let it build in secret and only release if at the finale second once you realize that it is the only other option."

Marcel: "(Wipes the blood from his mouth and spits some blood on the floor) So your saying I can't be subtle!"

Fortis: "(Drops metal pole) No you are as subtle as any man in the presence of Wonder-Woman."

As if on que Marcel then charges at Fortis grabbing the metal bat and seeming like he was going to strike him with it only to then strike with his fight as hard as he could at Fortis's chest only for it to not work since Fortis had many more years of battle experience than him and also because the metal pole never got any closer to him while his fist did.

Marcel: "What!?"

Fortis: "As you were charging at me while you did point the metal pole at me good on you for that by the way (waves his hand around a little) but for the most part nothing you did with it seemed like you were going to hit me with it as it never moved beyond the straight angle in contrast I saw that the closer you got to me the closer you fist got to my chest so once you hit me it was fairly easy for me to have a hand there waiting in anticipation."

Marcel: "(Slumps on his knees) So your saying I'm hopeless when it comes to real fighting."

Fortis: "Yes (Marcels slumps even more on the floor) and no."

Marcel: "W-what?"

Fortis: "As I have said before your talent relies on the fact that you thinking outside the box so to speak like I've seen you use a person as both a weapon and a shield, the same goes for trash can lids, poles, clothes, bricks, just about anything that you can get your hands on is about the same as a weapon in the hands of a master fighter (places a hand on his chest with his other hand at a down word angle as if to say he's better.)"

Marcel: "So I'm a master then?"

Fortis: "Gods no. What could ever give you that impression your its just that your terrible and flimsy fighting style is so ingrained into your being that at this point in time your honestly just a lost cause when it comes to actually being able to fight. Since its easier to build up on what someone knows then to tear it all down and work at it from the ground up especially if its engraved in the body since with fighting its more muscle memory than actual thinking since you need to move as fast and as precise as possible or else its night night."

Marcel doesn't even say anything as he just gets up and starts to leave only for Fortis to stop him so that he can give him an even smaller box that he'll never open until he tells him to and that if he opens it before then he can forget ever getting the prize he had waiting for him at the end of the game.

Agreeing to what his master had said mainly because it seemed more like a threat than anything Marcel then continued on his way while Fortis just looked down pleased with him self for a bit before he then went on to continue working on his planes but unlike last time he seemed quite a bit annoyed and somewhat angry as he looked through everything as if saying he was disappointed at how everything was going as planned or nothing was going as planned.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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