Look Out

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Marcel: "(Sighs) Man why do I have to watch these stupid kids?"

Fortis?: "You know you're not that much older than are."

Marcel: "Even if I was the same age as them I'd still be smarter than them."

Fortis?: "You better be thankful that being a Gold Lantern is the only corp that allows and is even impowered by that level of arrogance."

Marcel then rolls his eyes as he picks up his binoculars and watches the trio that Nightwing had asked him to look after because apparently he was worried about these three kids going to school for some reason.

Marcel: "I mean what the heck is he even worried about from what you've told me about Nightwing and his friends when they were in school their doesn't seem to be a whole lot that these three can do that would beat that?"

Fortis?: "Just look after them and besides (sits on the edge of the building next to Marcel) It's not like you had an easy time at school either you know."

Marcel: "Hey! We both know that was mainly you're fault!"

Fortis?: "And the fact that you were so eager to get into any fight that the second someone said anything that even sounded like fighting words you start beating them like Batman spotting someone breaking the law."

Marcel just rolls his eyes again as he takes note that nothing was really happening down at the school which sadly meant that it was time for Marcel to learn more about how to use the bracelet and also how a lantern fights in general.

Honestly this form of training was so boring to Marcel because all he was doing was creating weapons and other random objects that he cold use in a fight and seeing both what the could do when he let them go like trying to see if he could mess with them even when he wasn't holding onto them and what not.

And the second part of the training was to see how fast he could move and switch between all the different weapons he liked to use and just about anything else he could think of really so that no one could expect anything from him, while also allowing him to always have an advantage in a fight since they don't know what he could and couldn't do.

Marcel: "(Holding a sword and shield over a pair of UFC Boxing gloves that have brass knuckle attachments to them) Isn't their anything better than just doing this same old song and dance!"

Fortis?: "That's the thing about training it's something you don't stop at so that you can get better at it.... come to think of it if you don't even understand that then what the heck did you think our training sessions were for?"

Marcel: "Something like making a pledge to join a frat house."

Forits? just lets out a giant sigh at the stupidity of his disciple or his old living selves disciple and how someone so stupid could also become someone so strong and powerful for the side of evil but seems to have become as stupid as a certain pink star that lives under the sea.

Either way its pretty much already too late since his physical form is gone and Marcel's already bonded to the Gold Lantern bracelet so trying to get someone else is already useless what with him not having a real form or body anymore as he's just a part of the Gold Lantern army.

And with no real way to find anyone else Fortis? is pretty much stuck with Marcel even more than he had thought before as he wonders just how the heck he became the villain he was in the future when the guy didn't seem to even care about training nor watching over others.

Looking around Fortis? sees that Marcel even with all his trash talking about how everything was useless about him training seemed to at least understand the need to train even further... well at least his body did anyway as it was looking trained and well toned even if the brain didn't want to train the body seemed more than ready.

So that's how pretty much how Fortis? and Marcel spent a few weeks of their lives looking after three children that apparently didn't seem to be used to school life or just about any life that's considered "normal" and through out the years both Fortis? and Marcel could understand why.

One kid seeming to be from another world by the fact he apparently either had another pair of hands or could use a little telekinesis, the only girl in the group seemed to be on cloud nine and I mean literally as she seemed to be wanting peace more than anything and couldn't quite understand anything normal! And the last guy was someone who seemed used to getting what they wanted along with a little anger problems because we always need at least one guy who's as stable as Lex Luthor whenever he hears word about Superman messing up his plans.

Marcel: "Where in the heck did Nightwing find these kids? More importantly why the heck do most of them seem like they have some sort of brain damage?"

Fortis?: "Says the man who hated the only family that gave him love and always tried to leave and only know in his later years regrets it and constantly hugs and kisses his family photo every night before going to bed."

Marcel: "(Slowly turns towards Fortis?) What the heck! I thought I told you to stop watching me as I slept man! Its freaking weird!"

Fortis?: "You do that when you wake up in the morning and before bed though?"

Marcel just mutters something underneath his breath quite possibly a swear but either way its not something that Fortis? hasn't heard before and probably won't stop anytime soon. And as Marcel grabs all his stuff and places it into his bag he steps off the building and starts falling down so that he could fly!

Most defiantly scaring and quite possibly traumatizing quite a few people in the process who saw him fall and didn't see him fly away, maybe getting a few of them admitted to Arkham like places or at the vary least causing quite a few of them to think their insane.

But eh what the heck does it really matter when at the end of the day he's never going to meet any of them ever again or quite possibly be in a situation where he somewhat forces them to question their own sanities.

Marcel would later tell Nightwing everything that had happened with the trio while they were at school before going off (basically kidnapped again by Fortis) to train his skills and abilities until he would get called again by the League or by Nightwing, or anyone else who basically wants to give Marcel side quests in his life.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace!

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