Live at Gotham

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Kaldur left Mount Justice after a not so grand planned attack on Clayface Kaldur left and went back to Atlantis and not really having anything to do you left the cave and went to see little miss clown you had meet upon your first visit to Gotham.

You: "I'm heading out to so have fun you two and stay safe."

Computer: "Recognized Gold Lantern K-0-1"

And with that you left for Gotham City and when you got there you noticed the go point was a telephone booth so after making sure that nothing got on you, you let out a sighed of relief thanking everything you could that there was nothing on you.

After walking around for a while Ghia'ta and Per Lynn were giving you advice on how to woo the girl but none of it was really helpful as they were just telling you to be yourself and to never lie like if you needed to hear any of that.

From a window you see a magazine stating what the best and most attractive outfit a guy can have at the moment to who the girl of their dreams, so you make the outfit yourself with a few minor changes to make it feel more you before you continue walking around trying to find anyone a part of the group that tried to mug you before.

After awhile you got bored so you started going in between allies and "asking" any of the criminals that had tried to mug you where you could find clowns but for some reason every time you asked it looked like you were asking them how to off themselves.

You: "Where can I find a clown goon."

Mugger: "Look man I don't know nothen so just leave me be."

The man then tried his hardest to break free and feeling generous you let him and the second you did he sped away like roadrunner you honestly don't know if his feet even touched the ground or not from how fast he ran.

You shrugged and left to continue your search on trying to find the gal hiding with some clowns but everything you did to try and find her turned up nothing except for scaring people, making them think you had a death wish, or that you had lost your mind.

As your stomach grumbled you gave up your search for a bit so you could eat looking around you found a nice quite dinner that looked good enough to eat at, so you went inside and gave your order but after awhile you spotted a van pull up with some clowns surrounding it.

Sighing as you wouldn't be able to eat your meal you paid for what you would have eaten and left to see what they were up to but the second you left a sack was placed upon your head and you were dragged away.

Letting them take you away the van eventually stopped you were dragged out and forced to the ground and much to your surprise you weren't the only one they had dragged away in that van.

Clown Goon 1: "Alright listen up since all of you like to talk about us were going to give you the pleasure of watching us work (laughs)."

You hear laughing, crying, and panicking coming from all around you and it's safe to say your yellow gem is loving every second of you stay here.

Whatever was covering your face was forcibly torn off and you got to see who was taken with you, the place you were at, and the amount of clowns that surrounded you.

Clown Goon 2: "(Forcibly picks you up and starts to drag you away) Lucky you for getting the attention of are boss's lady."

After getting dragged up a flight of stairs you were thrown into a room as the lady in question stood there with fingers on her lips and a knife in her hand as she looked dreamily at a photo of some pycnotic looking clown.

She only notices that your there when the door is closed behind you, you see her place her photo down after kissing it and sweetly/dreamily/lovingly call them Mr. J before making her way towards you with an angry psychotic look on her face with a knife in hand.

???: "So, Mister Sully is finally here to be brought to justice."

You: "What do you mean?"

???: "You took a taken gal's kiss is what I mean (Throws knife at you.) And know I get to teach you a lesson on manners personally."

As the woman got closer you broke free of your bonds grabbed her and pinned her to the wall as you got closer to her, and you as you felt an urge to tease her you made it seem like you were about to kiss her but instead you went to her ear and said.

You: "I usually ask for your name before we go at it but for you, I made an exception."

???: "(Kicks you away before getting her knife) The names Harley Quinn and if you try that again I'll cut ya new mug."

You: "The names GL short for Gold Lantern and now that we both know each other's names (you make a staff.) let's really dance."

She charges at you waving her knife around franticly while you block all her attacks with you staff while making very soft and delicate hits when it seemed like you time to lead this dance of yours.

Whack and wump were the sounds almost everyone had heard from the office because Harley had yet to be able to hit you while you hit her enough times to where you could she began to tire out.

Harley: "Quit (pants) going easy on me (she yells and charges at you once again)."

You: "(You catch her and hold her tightly) Now why would I do that when I can be hard on you with other things instead (you procced to kiss her as she elbows you in the gut)."

You: "Your Mr. J must be a really lucky man to have you (You grab her and twirl her close to you and make some white, red, and blue roses to give her) But I think someone as pretty and loyal as you shouldn't be with a man who leaves you all alone with nothing but a photo that doesn't even mention you."

And with that you give her one final kiss as you leave and take the other civilians with you out and give the GCPD an antonymies type before heading back to the cave and when you return you see that Kaldur had returned, and it seemed that everyone had made peace with something before they all started to make fun of you and ask about why you got some lipstick on your lips.

You ignored all of them and made a wall as you entered you room and once you did so you winced in pain a bit and a whole lot more as you preformed first aid on yourself while looking at a card that represented Harly before placing her down next to two cards one green and the other pink.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time peace. (Also, anyone you want to add to harem let me know and thanks to Jhinnie99 for the recommendation.)

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