The other half

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- (Short man with grey barely existing hair yellow and purple formal attire with a purple bowler hat peaks over his newspaper as a light shines upon him) This is a story not from the normal view my dear readers but from someone else who... lets just say is like our dear characters but opposite in certain ways but for hope you all enjoy (does a bow). -

The world knows of both Gold Lantern and Silver Skull with one being more famous than the other as they were responsible for causing the Arkham city breakout a couple years ago while the other is someone that is rarely seen by another beyond what little recordings are found of him.

And while the man who started both or at least started one while making sure the other could live on is teaching a young man to inherit his position the story is much different for a young man all the way in Star city reading about an article of the mysterious man who had evaded just about everyone from the Justice League after breaking everyone inside of Arkham Asylum out.

While he is reading the article its only because it him straight in the face as he was a runaway teen who was living in an alleyway all on his own inside a cardboard box dome with sheets of paper covering himself as best he could.

Underneath all the trash that was the young lad's home was someone who was at their darkest hour who didn't really care much at all for anything that was going on around them or liked being told what to do since that was the very reason he had left.

For unlike our dear young Marcel who had a terrible mother and was then given a wonderful and loving family that truly cared for him as does he for them even if he himself refuses to admit it but for the no named man he had run away solely because he hated constantly being told what to do from his mother and father that both loved and worried about him.

But he was someone who wanted to rely on no one, a very dangerous mindset to have when you are young and naïve but even worse when the person feels like they are better on their own and can make it better than if they were to stay with their family which is probably what helps increase the rate of homeless people in the world.

Anyway the young man is reading about the article and having nothing better to do he crabs the old rusty switch blade that he found in a dumpster that was for some reason covered in blood when he found it along with it being a little bent but nothing a little rock smashing couldn't fix.

So with that knife that looked like it was begging for death he brough it towards his face along with the news article and while looking at the image of the skulled mask that was caught on camera/ the only image they have of the wanted felon the young man then began cutting.

As he cut things started.... falling probably not in the best way but in his most likely half baked mind what he was doing and about to do was a very good idea and also the only idea he'd had in a very long time since leaving his family.

And worry not for he did not carve up his own face... in fact that probably would have been better as he instead carved the shape and look of the skull mask as best he could onto his chest giving himself the marking of the silver mask and the only thing that he should be great full for would be the fact that the knife had become so dull that it only left very few scratches that could be healed along with a large outline of the mask.

It didn't take long for him however to get one of his fellow like minded peers to tattoo the image onto him and the person he asked was someone who was very well adept at using a needle so thanks to those skills and the outline the young man now had a symbol now engraved onto his chest and most likely through the pain the man had regained his thoughts.

Not knowing what to do nor why he did what he had done the man having enough of his poor and pathetic life grabbed his poor knife, his broken backpack that only had a single string with most of it being torn to pieces but thankfully the holes were small enough for him to fit everything he needed around his clothes so they didn't fall out.

Putting on his jacket that no longer had a zipper and his worn and torn out pants with his shoes that neither had the bottoms on the insides along with no shoe laces with a hole big enough in them to be considered a mouth.

Slinging his backpack on the young man looked at a nearby puddle of... a liquid and used that to cut his hair even though he couldn't see anything and was just guessing the entire time on if it was good or not but either way was satisfied with it enough to where he got all the hair and put it in the puddle just as a man came by to... use the area as well.

As he passed by his spot in the alley way someone else and someone new had already took his pot in just the twenty minutes it had took him to grab his stuff and cut his hair with the dull knife he had but right now it didn't matter as he had a plan to make his life better.

And for it to work the man had to dip down and ignore every part of his being that would have told him not to do so but he didn't really care since for him this was the best and only way to get a better life and what did he do you may ask well...

I think that's a story for another time but just know that this young man and young Marcel are fated to meet at least once in their life times but anyway for now I'll leave everything off here as I close this book probably never to pick it back up again because unlike all of you the great me has better things to do than to read this trash to all of you like hang out with my best pal.

???: "But seriously I'm done now and I couldn't care less about what any of you want nor the fact I've been getting paid for it so have fun see all you numbskulls later and try you're best to pronounce my name cause I'll be listing (blows a giant kiss like a certain rabbit and then walks behind his chair and vanishes leaving only his tiny purple hat.)"

Well that guys a jerk as always but anyway hope you all enjoyed it anyway and until next time stay safe and peace!

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