Jade Court

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(Couldn't think of a good song so here's a skit I find funny)

After waking up to the sounds of even more arguments you go outside to see what they people are arguing over this time and after you break up the fighting between the two groups you heard that it all started when your group expanded their perimeter a few inches so they could fit a medical tent just in case anyone needs it.

Which the natives where not happy about as they barley agreed to let you all stay there for a bit as you all are now because of you helping to stop the giant bad guy from destroying their town some time ago but where still not happy about you all staying here and wished for you all to leave.

After moving the area a few centimeters back into the allowed camp area everyone was pleased while you just wanted to get a bit of rest since you were hardly able to the entire time you have all been camping here since it seemed like there was a new problem every hour between your group and the natives.

When you felt like you finally had some time to relax for a bit you were then called by the pink suited lady letting you know that the green lady was back but this time, she had brought some of her friends before you were then captured by them.

Big Green Man: "Alright everyone we will take you all back to your homes, but we ask that you all be witnesses in the trial of this man (Picking you up) to see why he destroyed a planet and weather he is found guilty or not for doing so."

You put up no fight as you were caged up since you knew you were innocent from what you had done also you did not think you could take down the big guy from how tired you were because of all the disputes you had to stop over the past few days

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You put up no fight as you were caged up since you knew you were innocent from what you had done also you did not think you could take down the big guy from how tired you were because of all the disputes you had to stop over the past few days.

As you were all going to the place, they would use to hold your case you finally got some long needed and wanted sleep without having to worry about the problems that anyone would cause with others or having to worry about conflict erupting between everyone as you finally got to sleep in peace.

When you woke up you were in what appeared to be a cell to hold you until they got everyone ready for the council with the green lady watching over you to make sure you did nothing wrong or try to get out of this court casing while you just had fun relaxing for the first time in forever.

After a while of doing nothing but relaxing you are then pulled out by the green lady before you are then placed in the middle of an area as you see a group of little blue men and stands full of other people some you remember and some you don't before you hear one of them speak.

Blue 1: "Per lynn thank you for guarding and watching over the deviant so stand up high as you have done your duty proudly."

The Green lady then bows and leaves so you now knew her name at least as you just sat in the middle of the area with chains holding you down making sure that you would not try anything to get out or try anything with the other members of the council.

They all then begun the court hearing of everything about the planet and how it was used while making you sound very guilty for getting rid of it as you could guess they already made up their minds about you already being guilty.

When it finally got to you about you just stood there proud and tall telling them all that you were guilty for destroying a rotten planet and that you would have done the same thing again as you believe it to be the only way for the people there to be truly free.

You could hear gasp come from all around you as the floating blue men tried to get order and calm everyone down before they then asked you about your side of the story and why you felt so proudly for destroying a section of space all on your own.

You then told them about everything you had experienced living there minus the abilities of the bracelet as the only people who new either didn't care enough to pry into details or knew to keep their mouths shut as it would only bring trouble.

When you finished speaking everything was quite before as they all made their decision on how to handle this matter and after a long while of doing nothing everyone came back as they then held a vote on whether or not you were guilty or non-guilty.

After a while you saw that almost all hands where in favor of note guilty as they believed you to have done the only thing you found reasonable without knowing anything about the Green Lanterns and what they do while also trying to help others in need.

You then felt your chains disappear as you were let go as you were met with Per lynn and the pink lady who then told you her name was Ghia'ta before she then grabbed onto your arm as Per lynn then held on to your other seeming annoyed as you all left what you found to be OA back to Earth as everything keeping you on that planet was now no more.

And after you felt like you all were far enough away you then made your dream care and rode out with both of the girls like if you were all in a spring flick or a couple of dumb kids out on summer break as you drove playing your favorite hits as the you put the mile to the cosmic gallon till you all got back to earth.

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And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace also if any of you could guess the era for these I will be amazed.

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