Level 4: Rage

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When you had awoken from your slumber you saw that everything you had built and made was being destroyed and there was fire, chaos, and destruction everywhere as far as they eye could see while hearing all the people below cry out in pain while there was some close as well.

When you ran out to try and find out what was going on you saw that all of your family was getting killed and destroyed by some people that you have never seen before, but you could see that the members of the council you had made stood behind all of them giving the orders.

But before you could do anything you were pushed to the ground chained up and had your hand cut off the one with the bracelet that gave you all of your power before being gaged and burned to stop the bleeding since you heard one of them say "don't let him die just yet he has to watch first."

And while not knowing what he had meant you then begin to see in the distance everyone else that was not with you at the moment dead in a brutal fashion, but you could not continue to look for long as they started to brutal torment and destroy all the remaining members of you family left and except one person your love but when she came out you found out the most devastating thing.

She was the cause of all that was going on and when you heard the reason as to why it was because you had become too powerful and complacent for this land and that the power you had used all the time was now going to be all hers and no one else's as she was controlling everyone the whole time including you to do everything she desired.

And as you saw all of that happen you could hear in the background all of your people being hurt and all of your family in worse shape and the only thing that made you smile and start to laugh hard with hysteria was seeing your bracelet one last time.

Because it was glowing the brightest red anyone has ever seen and the next thing you knew you were facing a giant red bull looking thing that you could tell was made for one purpose rage and destruction and having nothing else to lose you let it take over your body with the promise of leaving any living family you had left alive.

Because it was glowing the brightest red anyone has ever seen and the next thing you knew you were facing a giant red bull looking thing that you could tell was made for one purpose rage and destruction and having nothing else to lose you let it t...

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But as it was fusing you saw the last person you had who was also the first person you had as family fall onto the floor and that was when you went ultra-rage monster because that was when you just stopped caring fully and let the monster with in you fully out.

But what that had meant was that you no longer cared about anything including yourself so all the powers that you had currently active became one after your hand was reattached by force and healing because of the devices very feature.

You started to mutate with parts from all the different power beast that dwelled with in you as you then began to destroy everyone because there was nothing left for you to care about and all the people who had lived you stopped viewing as people and again realized that this was no place for peace only WAR!!!

And as the rest of the people in the area saw you turn into the monster that was coming everyone around saw the blood of the fallen turn into monsters from what they had feared the most and nothing could stop as a dome had been made that let no one out except the spirits of those that had fallen.

When you were turning there was fear in the eyes of all those present who had harmed you and the people you called family on that miserable rock of a planet and when they tried to flee the area no one could go anywhere as the same thing that was happing up above was now happing all around the house.

When you were turning there was fear in the eyes of all those present who had harmed you and the people you called family on that miserable rock of a planet and when they tried to flee the area no one could go anywhere as the same thing that was h...

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(Felt appropriate.)

When you had finally stopped turning into the monster with in you fully you saw the traitors try to beg and create a way to save their hides, the people who attacked everyone were trying to destroy you and become greater men in life and beyond for destroying a grand beast such as you were, while the woman who you once loved, and thought had loved you was trying accuse others for crimes made by her and make you her pet to destroy all others in her name.

While the only thing that happened from all of it was destruction as that was just your body while the real you was going to awaken when all was said and done, and none were left with only fragments of everything that had happened appearing later to help continue revenge.

But before all that would happen the destruction on everyone, and everything was going to be taking place since you had given up on peace in these lands and that helped you realize just like how fear corrupted and made you more cynical hope had corrupted you as well making you more trusting of others which was also bad and helped serve a vital lesson.

And after just swiping everyone away in front of you nearly destroying them all in the proses then lead you to completely destroy them, the remaining survivors, and all the buildings that had existed and been made from all your hard work as none of it no longer mattered because you had just given up on this planet and no matter how much in the past you were a hero or at least tried to be.

The planet you were now on changed you to be less caring because of this to everyone and everything that you would ever meet later on before they cracked in your shell and found the inner you welcoming them with open arms and treating them better than before.

But until that time there is only anger and other emotions within always on as throughout the night a new and worse monster had come to be and planned on taking everything apart.

And that is all for now and sorry if it got dark there by a lot if you were not a fan, but this is DC comics and it had to be something bad to make rage also this was based upon the idea from shadow of Mordor and shadow of war for Talien's back story but anyway hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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