Rising up like a Golden Dawn

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Once you and the beast started to fight it out you then began to stumble not because of the beating each of you took but it was instead because each time you stuck the beast you saw everything that you feared very deep inside and it was also stuff that you would have rather forgotten but after a while you saw the beast start to feel its own fear as you no longer fed it but instead you then got stronger and stronger with each strike.

GL: "What's wrong not getting your fill anymore well why don't I help fill you up with some fear of your own."

And instead of you being the weeping wreck that it thought you were going to be instead you then started to become better and better as you kept repeating a chant that you always said whenever you felt like you needed to.

GL: "Rise through the pain like a phoenix rising through the flames."

It was something you said that helped you steel your own mind so that everything that you had felt happen to you would then be used to temper yourself into a better and better man than the one you where before sometimes it was mental tempering and others it was physical but no matter what you always said that chant and kept going and going and rising higher and higher than anyone else because of it.

And by the time that you got close enough to the big beast to even be able to smell it, there was no doubt in its mind that you where something to be afraid of but that did not stop it since it was part of the embodiment of fear so it should not fear you.

But no matter what it did and no matter how much it tried to make you as utterly terrified as you once where was just making you stronger and stronger than how you where before but before you could make a final attack on the beast it then summoned creatures made up of your own fears into creatures to do its bidding and stop you from getting closer to it and destroying it.

And as you saw these creatures it was everyone that you had to get rid of that you met on this world and all the different people that you had met before and the things you had felt about leaving them and what had happened when you involved them with yourself.

But unlike what the creature thought would happen was you destroyed all of them because some you knew that they would never be like that from what you had experienced with them, and the others were because you either did not like them enough to not strike or it was because you just did not care enough about them to not strike them even if you felt bad about them.

And once you finished striking them all down you then began to continue on charging at the beast to then end the whole ordeal that it had caused him for all the time, he had entered this place and wanting him to go back to being his power and not being forced to obey it like it wanted him to.

And as you could tell the beast was getting desperate you charged more and more inside and when you made the last distant at him you then charged into it and became part of the create inside and you then started to give it a real internal fight to survive.

And as you reach more and more for the center of the creature you get more and more blasted with not even things you fear any more you just feel fear itself all around but you persisted all the way until the end and when you finally got the core of the beast and you then ripped it out and as you did so you  felt all the fear it had accumulated from you and others and when you held it you felt fear itself and you also felt it try and destroy you and take over your body.

You then hold it and try to control it to help fix up your mind that it had destroyed when it was going on its rampage earlier and when it had refused to do anything for you all you did to it was shake it up a bit and force it to feel some fear of its own it then begins to obey as you control more and more of your fear and force it to absorb the fear that it had made to amplify what you had felt before.

After everything was cleaned up and you felt like you finished taming the beast you then went and tried to find the golden throne room you had found before and after retracing your steps you then eventually found the room and when you had entered it you saw that there was a new portrait of the battle you just had and you then found the room of gems as you now called it and then placed the yellow orb where it had looked to be smashed in when you where here before.

You then placed the gem down on the pedestal that you think it once called home and when you did you felt the whole area then shake and that's when you then woke back up to the real world with no real idea of how long you stayed there but you knew it was a while since you had focused your mind since even thought it was a secret place it looked very different than when you went in.

After looking around you then saw that the yellow gem had been glowing, but you felt it was a different glow then the one it was before, so you tried once in a long while to use your power and it had worked but it was not like the power it once was at it had been yellow and see through instead of being real and existing.

And with that it has ended for now and if any of you can think up songs that help with the different emotions, please let me know but until then stay safe and peace.

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