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As Marcel is getting the snot beaten out of him by some foreigners both from this country and one from an entirely different planet he begins to wonder just what the heck he was forced to be apart of from Fortis? and some guy called Dick or whatever.

To find out just what the heck was going on and how Marcel was turned into pretty much a living punching bag for these group of total strangers we look back about twelve hours ago where some guy called Dick somehow knows and found Marcels house.

Dick: "I need you're help!"

With that one single line Fortis appeared out of the blue and agreed without giving a single care for Marcel and his own life with this Dick guy not seeming to care either as the words from Fortis? seemed to carry more weight than if he were to say anything else for some reason.

The next thing Marcel knows he's inside a car that honestly even he couldn't afford to get or make, with the second being more out of sheer fear of what would happen if people knew that he somehow happened to have one along side his actual car that he uses somewhat daily.

During the entire trip no body says anything for the most part as they all just drive in silence with the only sounds being the open road with Dick and quite possibly Fortis? thinking about something that probably doesn't concern Marcel as the man in question wonders just where the heck they were going along with who the heck this man was besides being Bruce Wayne's adopted son.

Like Marcel knows that the guys most likely not a normal guy since he showed up to his house in the middle of literal no where just to ask him for some sort of help or more likely help from Fortis? who is somehow just known to pretty much everyone who wants him that he pretty much lives inside of Marcel's bracelet now causing his death to now have little to no meaning.

But anyway at one of the very few stops that they had Marcel and Dick walk out of the car as Dick fills it up with gas as Marcel goes into the store and has a little look around to see what's available that he or Dick would probably enjoy and help make the trip a little less dull and boring in the process.

Sadly however the time worm thing that was messing with Marcel's mind decided that he was having too good of a time and that now was the best time to give him what looked to be a mental breakdown on the outside for all to see while inside his mind he was in a horror looking version of the gas station.

This time completely alone without the bracelet or anything that could be even remotely be used to give him some sort of peace of mind like a weapon or something he could turn into a weapon but their was nothing as the place looked to have picked clean by raiders or whatever as the only thing left behind was the money in the cash register.

Stepping outside Marcel sees a giant whirlwind with someone in the center of it with a large amount of people seemingly worshiping the crazy guy like their part of some sort of insane cult or something and then Marcel feels straight up chills down every part of his body as he senses the thing looking dead at him.

Whatever the heck was in the center of that thing wasn't something that seemed to care about anyone at all quite possibly not even themselves as they started moving towards his location killing and destroying parts of his cult and upon looking somewhat closer he saw they were wearing Batman's chest armor, Superman's cape, flash's legs, and wearing a ton of lantern rings.

Waking up back in normal time Marcel sees that he was holding Dick across the throat as both he and Fortis? were trying to get him to stop and when Marcel finally does so what with coming back to present day and all that no one really says anything as they just get in the car and leave.

Leaving only questions behind for both Marcel and the poor bystanders who just saw whatever the heck happened because unless he gets a vision or something than Marcel will never truly know what happened since neither Fortis? nor Dick was saying anything or even willing to discuss what just happened.

Now things were even more awkward and it certainly didn't help that after entering the car Marcel had another episode this time however it was more like he fell asleep and it was relatively short as Marcel just saw a girl with short blond hair standing upon rocks with a green man reaching a hand out to her as figure made of black and orange stands behind her giving her a weapon as he gets ready to pull the trigger.

With great big bang everything got changed as Marcel began floating across a time that he knew all to well but this time it was one different to what he remembered with the man who was called Kid Flash being the one to vanish in the place of Fortis instead.

And now we come full circle to Marcel getting beaten by people he's never meet before in his entire life with one of them spouting some non-sense non stop about them being a prince from some allied nation to America or whatever.

But honestly even if that were the case that didn't really mean jack at the moment and the likely hood of some foreign prince risking war or something stupid like that just to get back at Marcel for smacking him across the face with the back of his hand. 

And whenever the weird bug creature thing would try and attack him Marcel just grabbed ahold of him and threw the creature directly at the line of fire from the flying multicolored rainbow girl causing her to enable and use friendly fire all the time.

Meanwhile inside the building Marcel could see that Fortis? along with Dick and two other people he has yet to meet are discussing something that may or may not involve him in the future as the newest Gold Lantern who carries around with him those that have come before.

Eventually the other guy that Marcel didn't know about came outside as the giant white dog dragged a stick across the ground making a line as the man cracked his neck and before he could do anything the man was already in front of him and punched him all the way into their RV van thing.

When Marcel finale woke up he saw that Fortis? was just standing there waiting for him to wake up as he had worked everything out and that it was time to go home to which Marcel wasn't willing to go home just yet but it was too bad since Fortis? had already teleported them home.

And before he could face Marcel's wrath Fortis? went back inside the bracelet as Marcel just flopped onto his bed and tried his best to sleep as he wondered just what the heck he was going to be forced to do along with what he saw.

As inside the bracelet Fortis? walks around a huge circle very worried about what Marcel had seen since he was connected to Marcel and could see at least bits and peace's of Marcel's vision as he bits his nail with a worried look on his face before ultimately saying screw it as well and calling it a night since their wasn't really anything he could for the most part. 

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace!

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