New Prince Who This?

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As Marcel wearing a white tank top, brown pants, and some brown work boots mows his lawn he takes a little break and wipes off the sweat of his brow and toss it on his shoulder as go goes to check his mail since the little flag on it was up meaning that something had gotten delivered.

Marcel: "(Takes out his mail) Lets see... bills, bills, junk, JLA, junk, bills, Oh a letter from the guys... I wonder if their doing alright now that I left Gotham and live here."

Entering his barley furnished house Marcel looks around and sees the taped outline that he had made for where he'd like all his new furniture that he had order online months ago wondering what the big deal was and why they were so slow since the website had stated that they should arrive months ago.

Thank goodness his neighbors were kind enough to give him a folding table, some chairs, and a sleeping bag until all his stuff had arrived otherwise he'd have been forced to speed some of his money on a motel till everything came in which he wasn't really looking forward to.

???: "(Coming from the kitchen) You have like barely anything in this fridge."

Marcel: "I have enough for myself and that's the only amount that I need... (looks into his kitchen) I mean it's not like you can even eat or anything."

???: "(Walks through the arch way revealing Fortis in all his glory with faint whisps of gold flying off him like a lava lamp) Rude I can eat I just have to make it first and another thing (grabs Gold Bracelet on Marcel's wrist) how come you haven't used this thing at all since I gave it to you."

Marcel: "(Pulls his hand back as hard as he could) First of all you're not the old man and secondly I have no idea how this things works and I don't really care to learn either."

Fortis?: "Well I think you should since it can't really hurt to learn how to do anything you want now can it."

Marcel: "Yes it can have you never heard absolute power corrupts absolutely before?"

Fortis?: "Pff that only happens to weak willed man and besides if something like that were to happen (flies in front of Marcel's face upside down) I can always take you down if you want I mean it's not hard in the slights. Also (Jumps off nothing and flies above table to see the JLA mail) I think you should look at this and do what it asks of you."

Marcel: "Oh? And why is that my dear fake master?"

Fortis?: "Because as the man who had taken on my mantle you have to meet the other hero's or else they'll worry if your going down a different path than me."

Marcel: "But I am."

Fortis?: "For now you see it that way but you never know and besides it may just be someone letting you know something about me."

Marcel: "I don't really care I'm pretty certain were very familiar especially with how you first appeared."

Fortis?: "I still say you gotta work on your stamina a little I mean no-"

Marcel: "Shut up! Shut up! Shut UP!"

Fortis?: "Whatever anyway just take a look and then decide if it's worth going or not."

Marcel: "Alright if I do it you'll go away."

Fortis?: "Oh Gods no, where'd you get an idea like that."

Marcel: "What? But aren't you like a spirit?"

Fortis?: "You could say that (gestures towards bracelet) but only when it comes to that can others see me."

Marcel: "So all I got to get rid of you is to get rid of this (starts pulling at the bracelet trying as hard as he could to get it off only hurting his wrist in the procosess however.)"

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