Golden Monster

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After what felt like an entire week of doing nothing but trying to buy an entire area of land that was classified as the "poor district" no matter how much the all-powerful council had tried to sugar coat what the area was like and rising through the ranks of the fighters' lodge.

You had finally succeeded but it was only after you finally got the highest rank from the fighter's lodge that you were allowed to buy and own parts of the civilized area of the underground since they wanted to keep any and all high-ranking fighters in their civil zone.

As you rose through the ranks you had mainly just been training yourself with your own different fighting styles forming them into one supreme style and also learning the limits that you two different forms of power are and how they interact with yourself and with each other when you use them.

After everything was finished you got the entire place at a rip off price, but you did not mind it at all because you had big plans for the area and also you had found and gather a lot of different things as you traveled to very different lands to help the area grow along with its people.

And the second you walked into the new area that you had just bought and were now the lord of, you saw why they had called it the poor district because no matter where you had looked there were to many people outside the available buildings and the places that were available were so overcharged because everyone that he saw since coming there looked like skeletons.

After looking around a bit more you tapped on one of the buildings that looked quite solid but when you did you heard a bit of rumbling, so you quickly left hoping that no one got hurt because of it and then after a while you found an area that was free and big enough to be your base of operations as the new lord of the area.

And so, after entering it you made both blue and yellow brooms to clean the place up a bit while you also did some lifting and reorganizing to help make the place look better and like an actual building for someone that is in charge of an area to look like.

Once that was done you started to absorb the power for the yellow gem and then turn it into power for the blue gem to help the people a little bit while you also continued your survey of the total area to help you decide on what to do next until what counted for daylight came.

When you had finally finished everything that you felt needed doing you then started to head out and what you did was kill every single person that was abusing the people that just wanted to survive in this world of pain and suffering and also those that felt like they could do anything they wanted even if there was a new leader of the area because they felt like they had more power and control over the area then he could ever have.

As you left you could feel the area become a whole lot better now that you fully owned everything in the area, and you could also see why those greedy pigs on the council charged so high for this area because it made them all the most money since they all got cuts from everything going on here and from how they supplied everything to hurt the area more for profit.

And after making sound systems for the entire area to hear you, you then destroyed a few of the buildings and making a big hole you then poured in some water that was toxic for everyone to drink or even use but some would still do out of desperation.

You then through in some poisonous plants that were known to grow around areas of water you got everyone to look at like you were crazy and one of the people came out looking more "wealthy" than everyone else tried to start making a fuss over how you were just a messed up little boy playing with the hearts of the people around you since you declared you could make death into life for everyone to see.

So, as he was bad mouthing you, you just shot a yellow beam of energy straight threw his head much to everyone's horror until you told them all to be quiet and they did out of pure fear of you then you told them how he was someone who was mistreating them and not you since he looked in better condition than everyone else in the area.

And after a while you then got a cup and told someone to drink and then eat and they did so at first reluctantly but then began to do so as if they were possessed and you then told them to make a way to flow all the bad water over to this area and help him make a flow for the good water to be more easily accessible for everyone who lived there and to sell to others for profit.

As that was going on you then got a group and help train them to help you make better buildings and living conditions for the entire area while also having a separate group dedicated to making smaller things that others would like or demand like cups, plates, or even things to help them sleep.

And as it all happened you also began to kill any and all members of what you considered to be an illegal operating ring of people who still thought this was an area to make lots of money for really cheap with the help of some people who were going to later enforce your law on those that felt like they did not need to adhere to it.

It was going to be a lot of work but was also going to be really worth it if you could help everyone in the area learn and become greater while also being able to have even a tiny bit of happiness in this war-torn land.

Hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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