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Marcel goes on to work with his team in exploring a little place in the middle of nowhere inside Gotham city, and the reason as to why none of the many heroes that live and protect the city aren't stopping it probably has to do with how busy they are or because of the fact that it was still daytime.

Unlike most of the other hero teams this time everyone was allowed to wear their normal clothes for a change quite possibly because none of them had any real problems when it came to wearing their hero outfits as they could change pretty much without any issues.

Walking through the alleyway a bunch of most likely thugs started to get closer to the group but were immediately taken care of so quick and so hard that by the time a hooded Marcel had knocked on the door they were all afraid that he was some sort of Meta that could kill them without moving a muscle!

Fortis?: "(Looks off in the distance behind a trash can were Max was hiding and holding his energy rifle) You know sometimes it pays to be a lyre who knows how to make others see whatever they want to be seen."

Marcel just waves his hand through Fortis ignoring him whilst also calling for the rest of his team to form in line behind him as they all move out towards the inside of whatever this place was because their was no freaking way a place that basically had a never ending stairwell was a normal building!

Making the go sigh Marcel jumps off the balcony of the stairs so he could hit the ground floor faster while also at the same time hopefully not hitting the ground floor faster.

Thankfully however he along with... most of his team intact that followed his way of going down they had all managed to reach the bottom of the barrel and by god was it one with the center just being the longest walk ever but thankfully everyone could fly and those that couldn't were able to get a ride from someone who could carry them.

But at the center of the long station was a round center with a glowing dot in the center of it and with the help of good old boredom Max eventually managed to activate the thing as he tapped his leg on the center seemingly powering up the whole room.

Lotor: "Are we inside the digital planet?"

Vortus: "No I think this is the world planet!"

And looking around it honestly seemed like that were the case because of just how much information was spread all around I mean their even seemed to be camera inside Speed Valley for Crying out loud! Nothing happens their at all laterally! Before he got to Gotham to work on this he saw that their was a group of people had started to work and building something in the area and through the camera it hadn't finished being built!

The thing is however Marcel's been here for a freaking month straight! And yes he had only been working on the mission for about a week like the rest of them he was still there for a solid month visiting his friends and family because he felt like since every other time he was brought to Gotham he had little to no control over anything that happened.

Marcel: "I know I live in a place that's slow but I didn't think it'd take them half a year maybe even a full year to fix up the old, run down, and mostly broken playground area (sighs in annoyance and frustration over both what he saw from the monitors and the place they were at)."

As Fionna looked over at a screen hooked nay fixated on whatever was being broadcast she jumped like a scared cat once Max touched her shoulder as he tried to see whatever she was looking at only for her to run away a little with a very red face as everyone but Mink wondered just what the heck she was looking at.

Fortis?: "My moneys on something that should've only been watched in private quite possibly with a boy she knows or likes."

Again Marcel rolls his eyes as he along with everyone else start to record what was going on while Max tried to figure out just what the heck was going on with all the cameras along with how they were able to catch everything that was going on every where in the world.

And that's a literal fact as on one of the screens Marcel (along with Fortis) watched a somewhat retired Wally along with, Tigress, Beast Boy, Geo-Force, Halo, and Terra were fighting some three man team that Marcel honestly didn't seem to care all that much about. But what he did care for was the fact the it stated it was going down in Russia and from the angles it showed their was no way the thing wouldn't have been destroyed by now.

It didn't stop their either as even the hotel rooms that everyone was staying in for the past few days had cameras inside them as well each of them having recorded a time along with the place all seemingly impossible to have working unless they were the size of a blood cell.

Because Fiona likes to spread out in her Dino forms while theirs no way either Fortis nor Max wouldn't have spotted if their was something else since one's lived long enough to be able to detect everything (so he says at least) while the other has a sixth sense towards all things tech.

Max: "The f-"

Before Max could say anything else however everything seemed to have stopped or at the very least slowed down as a portal opened with a strange trio of creatures walking out and looking over the station as all of them seemed to speak in a language that only Fortis could understand and even he seemed to be having trouble in doing so.

But eventually they all walked over towards Max and just lightly touched him as something came from his head and one of the other three held in in place as they all walked back out towards their portal while the only one who didn't seem to do anything looked towards Marcel/Fortis and did the shushing thing towards its mouth?

And then as abruptly as they entered the entire group vanished while everyone seemed to have forgotten what Max was about to say as even Max seemed to have no idea what he was about to do in fact it seemed more like he had already done so and found out nothing as he got back up and shacked his head side to side like a sad puppy.

And whatever the heck those things were along with whatever they did seemed to make it impossible for either Fortis or Marcel to even say a word about what they say or experienced meaning that at the end of it all they all left without having figured anything out about the place other than the fact it seemed like a watch station.

What made things even worse would have to be the fact that at a later date when Marcel and Fortis tried to get back in their the stair case seemed to only be two floors and it looked like an actual factory that had been abandoned for quite awhile by the looks of people living there.

No matter how hard Marcel looked it just didn't seem like he could dig down in fact that's exactly what it seemed like since even with a high powered Gold Lantern hyper beam their wasn't even a scratch on the floor at the bottom of the freaking stairs!

And to put it into context at even just 5% of its total power the thing could turn the sun into a a giant doughy delight looking thing along with whatever was behind it while also cutting a piece of earth off in the process without anyone wondering what would happen as it would taken to long for any after effects for it to really matter.

Marcel: "(Pants and sweats) What the heck is going on!"

Fortis?: "The universe telling you to stop since if it's something that not even the bracelet at full power can affect than we should just forget about it!"

Marcel: "(Sighs as he throws a pickaxe at the floor) I guess your right."

The pair then walk or rather fly away towards either Speed Valley or somewhere else where Fortis would once again most likely be dragging Marcel along to where ever it might be... but what the pair hadn't seen was the fact that their was in fact a crack and before it stood a man in a silver mask as he just gazed into the void that made the area around shine brighter than the stairs in the sky!

As for what happened well... that's something for another time but just know this that once the pair got to speed valley they were meet with a very angry woman who knew about Fortis and didn't seem to be pleased about his vanishing act along with a long list of others who all had something they wanted to say to the man.

Having no real choice Fortis walked towards the door to face the music while Marcel had to also face the trio of girls that seemed to be a better mood than before while also seeming more affectionate towards him than before.

And as odd as it might seem both Master and Disciple at that moment both had the same face which was a mix of pain and bliss all at the same time from what they were being put through.

Well that is all for now and I hope you all enjoyed whilst also having a great Veterans day towards all that have served and until next time stay safe and peace!

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