Gold Prince

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-Gotham City poor district. -

Fortis: "You need a lot more practice."

Marcel: "(Pants as he kneels down holding a metal pipe)  Maybe it would help if you just told me what I need to do instead of just beating me and the others down."

Fortis: "Well if I did that then none of you would learn anything."

Its been about four months since this strange old man started training us and I swear he's only doing this to get some sort of sick kick out of it since theirs no way anything he told all of us to do would ever be considered normal.

Like who in their right mind asks someone to get straight A's in a bunch of tests that go have one question be something from elementary school with the second being a question on particle physics there's just no way that any of them know what almost any of these questions are or how to correctly answer them but at least the saving grace of everything would be that at least they were multiple choice questions instead of write in answers cause other wise their would be nonstop fighting with all of us losing.

And I swear every time I look up that creepy old man is just smiling while trying to hide it like this is some sort of twisted game to him but even if it was there's no way I'm going to give up even if all my friends have as I hear them play games, eat snacks, or do what ever else they want leaving only me to pass these twisted trials for whatever prize he has for us.

But no matter what weird tests or other methods of torture this man has for any of us I will never give up because its the only way any of us can get out of this sink hole of a city that seems to want nothing more than taking away all the joy from any who live in and slumber inside her.

And once the timer went off the old man seemed to be arguing with himself while the other guys where now taking naps waiting for their turn to play a game with each other... I swear why can't these idiots take anything seriously like this could our one chance getting out of this place and to live better lives but these idiots seemed to have forgot the plan and seem to be fine doing whatever they want.

Fortis: "(Looking through the papers) Alright Marcel you get top marks since you actually tried to answer all the questions, Phill you just used it to make origami, Tad (carefully holds the paper) I don't even want to know what you did to get any and all these stains, and finally Juan you just scribbled all over the paper like a five year old (flips paper around) as well as drool on it like one."

Juan: "(Yawns) I was tired."

Fortis: "I gave all of you 30 minutes to finish this and there are only 10 questions total."

Juan and the others have already started going back to what they were doing much to the anger of Marcel and disappointment from Fortis as their teacher leaving the two by themselves to continue with the rest of the training which was just as hard.

For the training Fortis had Marcel do some karate kid style training where he had him run back and forth over and over again each time carrying heavier and heavier objects until their time was up or until Marcel called in the towel but if he were then there would be no more training ever again.

Fortis: "(Tying Marcel to the a fallen tree as well as some tires) Whenever this gets to much for you just let me know and all of this will be over."

Marcel: "(Looks Fortis dead in the eyes like he wants to kill him) *Grunts* You're gonna have to do better than that to make me quit old man."

Fortis just grins at the will of the young man while also adding two fifty pound weights onto the tree as he smiles and tells him to run to which Marcel does with all his might as he thinks of many different ways of revenge towards the old man once this is all said and done.

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