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At Starr labs Fortis is helping them out the best he can with testing their gadgets and helping solve equations and theorems about what ever gadget, chemical, or data projects they have while also doing a bit of flirting with Ms. Wonder Woman much to her annoyance but as he's been doing this over the years she's started to just accept it and seems to somewhat enjoy it even if a little.

Eventually the Zeta-tubes activated transporting Miss Martian, Superboy, and Beast Boy back to earth from their off-world mission with Beast Boy even bringing back a souvenir from the trip as Doctor Adam Strange tells the League members about the ...

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Eventually the Zeta-tubes activated transporting Miss Martian, Superboy, and Beast Boy back to earth from their off-world mission with Beast Boy even bringing back a souvenir from the trip as Doctor Adam Strange tells the League members about the barrier Starr labs had set up.

Beast Boy: "Tell them about  Rimbor! Tell them about the sixteen hours."

All the League members look a bit unnerved about finally getting told what they might have doon during the sixteen hours where some of the League members had their whereabouts go dark.

Miss Martian: "(Telepathy) It may be easier to show you (eyes glow green as she shows everyone what happened) I've successfully interrogated a Krolotean General on Rann who had paid off a member of the Rannian Science command to let the Kroloteans land a secret base in the Rannian Jungle."

Miss Martian: "Once there the Kroloteans stole Zeta platform technology from Adam Stranges friend Sardath they landed another ship in New Orleans and used the Zeta Platforms to beam a few hundred Kroloteans to earth they built more platforms and b...

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Miss Martian: "Once there the Kroloteans stole Zeta platform technology from Adam Stranges friend Sardath they landed another ship in New Orleans and used the Zeta Platforms to beam a few hundred Kroloteans to earth they built more platforms and brought in more Kroloteans and began abducting and replacing humans (stops telepath story time and finally speaks aloud.) Perhaps as part of an invasion strategy though that's still unclear."

Captain Adam: "But why Earth?"

Wonder Woman: "And what does any of this have to do with the sixteen hours?"

Miss Martian then shows everyone how when the Justice League was Mind Controlled by Vandel Savage that during the missing sixteen hours the founding members attacked and destroyed probably half of the entire alien world while then promoting in many different alien languages how they were Justice League putting them on the criminal most wanted list of that region of space.

Which was interesting since John Stewart the black green lantern of the group was also part of it since thanks to Per Lynn Fortis knew that at least the Green Lanterns were basically space cops and what made it interesting to Fortis was how no one from that sector of space let OA know and have them do something or how none of them questioned a Green Lantern going bad.

And there was Sinestro and how he used his to become war lord and conquer his own home planet among other things but still having no one say or do anything about John Stewart was something he always thought was ridicules.

Of course the League members who were present were horrified to learn what they were forced to do more so because none of them could remember doing so before everyone left to do their own things as John Stewart went to consult the guardians on OA.

Fortis: "So... Miss princess how's it feel to make what's probably your first mistake ever or just the first one in a really long time."

Wonder Woman: "(Tries to choke hold Fortis but fails as he dodges) You know very well that is not something one can joke about!"

Fortis: "Sorry sorry just teasing. (Look of dead seriousness) But in all seriousness how do you think you and the rest of the League are going to handle this."

Wonder Woman: "(Sighs in sadness) I honestly don't know."

Fortis: "(Hold hand) At least you and everyone else finally know what happened even if its not something any of you can be proud of."

Wonder Woman seems to shrink down a bit from that response as would probably anyone in her position and for the first time ever since they had meet did Fortis do something that wasn't meant to tease or mess with Princess Diana in any way by giving her the most heartfelt hug he could to her just to try and let her know that it's okay and that everything will be better without even teasing or messing with her after as he did his own form of teleportation out of there and into the interrogation chamber at the Hall of Justice.

 Once Fortis got inside the safe room he saw that Megan was starting to fry a poor Kroloteans brain for in the past five years she stopped using any form of limit and just broke all of her victims brains to the point they either became vegetables or their minds became broken jigsaw puzzles.

But thanks to that thorough mind break Miss Martian had discovered where the Kroloteans base of operations was located and even though Fortis and Miss Martian were dating in the since that Fortis one hundred percent knew he was the rebound guy and was being used by Megan to get over Superboy but even by his standards what she did to them was more than a little messed up.

Arriving at the Krolotean island base Fortis made two broad swords with one hanging in his hand while he placed the other on his shoulder and began charging into battle like he was fighting for his freedom against them aliens.

As he charged some Black Manta goons showed up and tried to stop him but he slashed one with his blades and then threw the two at the others before making a sledge hammer so that none of the momentum would be ruined as he spun and slammed against them before throwing his hammer like a god towards what might have been the Kroloteans new space ship.

Without even stopping he charged towards some poor goon sliding between their legs as he grabbed them and starting using them as another weapon swiftly taking out the group of enemies that had surrounded him before slamming them on top of one another.

And in the corner of his eye Fortis saw Aqualad, Knightwing, and Superboy getting ready to fight one another but proceeded to ignore it since he felt like he was not needed for this battle so instead he started hoover vacuuming the Kroloteans up as he passed by them while stealing some of the data the had on all the stolen goods they had.

Fortis: "This might be useful (Hears Superman talking) Aw crap... (Explosion goes off as he along with the help of Per Lynn and Ghia'ta create three sets of shields to hopefully lessen the blast damage on him.)"

When Fortis had opened his eyes once again he saw that he had gotten buried underneath basically the entirety of the islands mountain which took some time to get rid of enough debris so that he could make enough room to get out of his little hole he was trapped in.

Fortis: "(Grunts) Arrgh why does this have to weigh so much when I can even lift an entire tanker full of oil."

Per Lynn: "Maybe because your not using any of the bracelets power."

Ghia'ta: "Yea and how you've been slacking in your training."

Fortis: "(Grunts) That was rhetorical (goes the final stretch and manages to push the last boulder off) where you suppose everyone else is at?"

Per Lynn: "Off having fun nowhere near here."

Ghia'ta: "Because they know how strong you are I'm sure."

Per Lynn: "Or because they don't really care how bad he gets hurt as long as he's fine for another job."

Fortis: "(Wipes sweat of forehead) Man for someone who used to be part of a team you seem to really hate the League."

Per Lynn: "I don't hate them I'm just sticking to the facts about how most people use others till their no longer useful anymore."

Ghia'ta: "(Sad puppy dog eyes) Even me and !#$%!%...?"

Per Lynn: "(Pats Ghia'tas head like a puppy) You two are the only exception with Harley being a close second."

Fortis: "Well I think it's time to go home and relax (looks as bracelet as it starts fading) after recharging the bracelet of course (mutters) what is that girl doing."

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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