First Mission

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After what felt like years of almost nonstop training and being forced to learn everything that has evolved since you had left earth to explore the universe for a bit, the Legionaries had finally allowed you to do a mission all on your own unless you felt like you needed the help (they said so with smug looks on their faces).

So, after a brief fashion show with the girls and Clark to help you blend in more with this era's choice of clothing that fit you, you then began reading and listing to the debriefing so you could know more about the target and what you were supposed to do.

Leader: "Alright your mission is to observe a group of who we believe to either be a major superpowered gang or are the people who help that gang get whatever they might need. [Presses a few buttons to bring up different holographic pictures.] Now what we want from you is to conform one of our two theories or make one of your own depending on the evidence you yourself find in the field and either report back to us or you can try and stop them yourselves if you find out they are involved."

After learning where the place to go was and how to get there you then walked down the future roads and tried to learn more about everyone there and what they could tell you about the different places that you went to while also learning more about the areas you passed in the process.

When you finally got to the correct area to spy on the supposed criminal group you had gotten some food from one of the local eaters in the area but after looking inside the bag you just gave it to anyone nearby who was willing to take it as it was something recommended by the leader Legionaries.

As you kept watching them you got more and more board as they were doing nothing, and you were no quitter so while you kept watch over them you had started to draw on a sketch book that you had asked Clark to find for you, to write down any clues on it if you had found any but since there were none so far you began drawing random things.

When you started you could barely even draw your bracelet let alone anything else, but as you had nothing but time at the moment you just observed the group while also drawing random things that you remembered, saw, or had made up.

Since Clark had given you more than one sketch book, they had helped greatly to pass the time while you waited for these kids to do something bad or help someone bad but so far nothing and if anyone saw how many scattered papers you had thrown on the floor, they would have thought this to be a conspiracist theory's place.

Eventually you had gotten good enough at drawing to where you could make life like sketches of people, places or things but you were also getting kind of bored of drawing at that point and since you now had a lot of scattered paper around you, you then began to start making origami.

Like when you started drawing you sucked at folding the pieces of paper into any kind of shape before then being able to make child level origami (Ninja stars and the question thing.) and continued until you had been able to make an origami version of Superman.

And as you finished that piece of art you heard some screams coming from the area you were supposed to be watching and when you went in to investigate you had found out that the Leader guy was right, and that this entire thing wasn't just a way to get either rid of you or out of the Legionaries headquarters.

As you got closer to them you had made a very dark cloak to help hide yourself in as you made your way towards them to hear more of what they were saying other than random screams of terror.

Thug 1: "Hey keep quite you have no one to blame other than yourself for failing such a simple job."

Thug 2: "[Eating something] Yea all you had to do was get the rings off those two chicks and we would all have fun and be set for life [repeatedly kicks the person screaming] But [kick] you just [kick] had to [kicks harder] ruin it all for us didn't you."

You then saw Thug 1 reach and grab something that made the person on the floor quiver in fear before you took both of those guys out as you could see that nothing good was about to the person getting beat if you had waited any longer.

After picking the person up you had gathered any and all evidence of the crimes these people were committing while also taking some of their samples and chemicals, they had used to make them you then made a signal for the local authorities to let them be able find those men in a very bright and very loud message.

As you made, you're way back home with everything needed to bring the group in and feeling pleased that everything you had done was worth all the waiting you had to endure and as you were lost in thought before you realized it you had made it back home.

You: "I'm back after a mission well done and I brought back everything needed to take those guys down for good."

When you said that instead of ecstatic and happy faces from everyone you instead got shock and perplexed looks instead and not knowing why you just brought the beaten-up person for treatment before then going to tell your friends the good news.

But when you did so you had gotten the same looks from them as every else you had while passing them by and telling them everything that had happened and after you had asked them why you got your answer.

Apparently, you had guessed right while also being wrong you were right when you guessed they had wanted you out of the headquarters but had guessed wrong on who had wanted you out.

And apparently, your so-called friends wanted you to have a safe and relaxed "mission" so you could leave and explore everything the future had to offer to give you some time to relax from all the hard you had done since you had gotten there.

Your plan after hearing that was to be mad at them till the end of time because what it felt like was them trying to baby you instead of helping but after some convincing from the girls you had gotten over it and forgave them all over Pizza.

And that is the end for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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