Chapter 1

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Across The Poke Verse 1:

Authors Note: Let me get something out of the way for clarity's sake

Ash is 16ish during the events of Kalos. Alola seems like a vacation so I'm gonna say the events of Alola take about 6ish months. As of JN 84, I'd guess 4-5 months. Therefore, I'm making Ash about 17 as of Pokemon Journeys.

Ash in Kalos goes to the days between JN 84 and 85. Ash from Journeys goes to the day between XY 119 and XY 120

With that out of the way, enjoy!


A girl walked with a Celebi in a peaceful forest. It was a quiet day in Eterna Forest, and Nora was grateful for the rest. These past few months had changed her life, she had faced evil, been adopted by a mythical Pokemon, and saved the world. But she needed a change of scenery, so she left home, and here she was. Away from the world, away from everything. Just her and Celebi. But, good things aren't exactly meant to last, aren't they?

Celebi was sleeping on Nora's shoulder when the Pokemon flew up and looked around. Something was wrong. Something was very very wrong. Celebi's hunch was right, a fast Pokemon flew straight into Celebi.

Nora jerked her head. "What on earth is going on!?!"

A figure materialized and a golden hand punched Nora in the gut.

She felt herself go dizzy and she collapsed. "What.... No...." Nora was out cold.

A golden figure stood above Nora and crushed up Celebi's Poke Ball and then tapped a mysterious device on the Pokemon.

"You belong to me now. I don't have long so listen carefully, I want you to send Ash Ketchum back to the past. And send the past version of him to the present. The chosen one can not be allowed to interfere with my plans. Now hurry!"

The golden figure watched Celebi vanish and took a deep breath as the mythical Pokemon did.

The figure began to vanish and smiled to itself. Phase one was complete. And nothing could go wrong


Celebi was required to obey the order, but.... Celebi knew that the order had some "wiggle room"

The device was forcing Celebi to send Ash back and forward. But, Celebi would try and make his adjustment as easy as possible.

Celebi flew to Snowbelle City sometime in the recent past and grabbed Ash Ketchum. If Celebi was required to send Ash to the future, it may as well be the most competent version of Ash. And Celebi needed to make sure Ash had all of his Pokemon with him. Celebi grabbed Pikachu and put him on Ash's chest with the rest of his Pokemon in their balls on a belt.

Celebi dropped Ash and his Pokemon off in Professor Cerise's Lab, picking up Ash from the present and doing the same with his Pikachu and his belt of Pokemon. He grabbed his Mega bracelet, his Dynamax Band, and Z ring. Celebi dropped Present Ash off in the past in the hotel room in Snowbelle. While Celebi was required to do this, the Pokemon couldn't help but feel bad for the poor trainer. Celebi sighed and returned to Eterna Forest, where the golden figure was nowhere to be found. Celebi was planning on returning Ash when suddenly the mythical Pokemon collapsed. A man in a trench coat and a black hat picked up Celebi and put the mythical in a container. He'd need it later


Ash woke up with a loud yawn, he stretched out and rolled out of bed. For some reason, this bed was a lot warmer than the one back at the lab. He was also a lot colder for some reason. Ash stood up and felt a chill go down his back. Perhaps all he needed was a warm shower.

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