Chapter 23

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a/n: I've had a really rough past few days.

One of my top college choices rejected me :/

Some issues with friends

Feeling sick

Oh well, at least PLA is out.

Anyways here's the chapter you ordered:

Sinnoh Ash in Alola POV:

Sinnoh Ash was dumbfounded, "Wait, so you're telling me that you're alternate versions of me, and we're now fugitives across time who just beat up a god."

Adult Ash smiled, "Yep. So I gotta ask, what exactly happened?"

Sinnoh Ash shrugged, "I dunno, I just woke up in the future after falling asleep in the past."

Rocket Ash nodded, "Sounds like he was tampered with, someone clearly messed with him. Someone powerful enough to have time travel capabilities."

Rocket Ash then asked, "So where do we go from here?"

Adult Ash gave an order, establishing himself as a de facto leader for the group, "Rest up today, our pokemon took a beating. And tomorrow you need to talk to your friends and let them know you're going away for a while..."

"So where exactly are we going?" questioned Sinnoh-Ash

Adult Ash gave a well-thought-out answer, "To the past. We need to see what's going on in Sinnoh, maybe you swapped with the Alolan Ash."

"That's a good idea," Rocket Ash agreed with his counterpart

"So what's up with black polo here? Why does he have a Deoxys?" Sinnoh-Ash asked

Rocket Ash laughed, "I'm the leader of team rocket where I come from, so rare pokemon tend to fall in my hands."

Sinnoh Ash glared at him and Adult Ash tried to make peace, "No it's not as bad as it sounds, he's willing to help us and he means well at heart."

Sinnoh Ash thought for a moment and nodded, "Fine, but don't steal any pokemon as long as I'm around."

Rocket Ash snorted, "I don't steal myself, I just pay others to do it for me!"

Both Adult and Sinnoh Ash glared at Rocket, and he got the memo.

"Well, I suppose you're wondering about me. I'm you from the future if you just progressed normally Ash, I'm 35 and married with two kids. I was the former world #1 before stepping away to pursue other passions, such as saving the world when needed."

"Wow, you must be strong! We need to battle sometime! All-out battle! "

Adult-Ash laughed, "My wife likely would frown upon me beating up a teenager with my best team."

Sinnoh Ash nodded, "Oh, that's fair, I mean you were the world #1. So you married Lille right?"

Adult Ash shook his head, "No... Lille is just a good friend. I married a girl named Serena."

"What? Serena? I just met her!" Sinnoh Ash said

Adult Ash looked like he was dying inside, "We met her when you were really little at a summer camp. We traveled through Kalos with her and ended up catching feelings. About a year later we started dating and the rest is history." Adult Ash explained

"That's so weird, I'd end up marrying a girl I don't even remember. I'm sure she's great and all, but it's strange to me how one minor change about me traveling to another place for a while can change the course of history." Sinnoh-Ash said

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