Chapter 38

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Alas, back to work for me. Busy last month.

I hope you all enjoy these last few chapters.

We don't have much longer, it's so surreal seeing the ending approach.

I hope you have enjoyed reading as much as I have writing.

This is also the longest chapter I've written yet.

Why? It's fun and got carried away on my writing session lmao

Anyways, enjoy!


Alola Ash POV:

Ash stood up and took a deep breath before opening his eyes and looking around. It seemed like he was somewhere cold, considering the light coat of snow that coated the rocks near him.

He looked around him, the air felt oddly familiar

This was.... was this Snowpoint city? No, Snowpoint had large trees around and there were no trees to be seen wherever he was. Was this Mt. Silver? No, that couldn't be, he'd have felt the extreme altitude earlier, and considering he was on the ground for who knows how long he'd have been Tyranitar food if he was on Mt. Silver, so that option was ruled out.

He saw a pokemon dart away out of the corner of his eye and smiled, he knew where he was! This was Mt. Lanakila, and the pokemon who just ran away was a Ninetales!

Ash heard the crunch of some footsteps in the snow and turned his head.

It was an old man, and he looked displeased.

"Who are you?" Ash asked

"Just a traveling soul, the better question is who are you?" The old man questioned

"Ummmm....lost," Ash replied sarcastically

"Aren't you cold?" The old man asked

"Nah, not really, I've dealt with much worse,"

"Well, I'm rather cold myself," The old man replied

"Sorry to hear that," Ash said as he stood up

"How about a battle to warm this old soul up?"

"Well I suppose," Ash replied

"Get ready, I'm warning you shouldn't underestimate these old bones!"

"Alright, ready when you are!"

"Charizard, let's go!" The old man shouted as he called out a massive and defined Charizard. This Charizard pumped some serious iron.

Ash smiled and reached for a poke ball, he knew just the pokemon for this job.

"Incineroar, I choose you!"

Ash's Inceneroar emerged and pounded on his chest.

"An Alolan pokemon? Strange, considering you speak with a Kantonian accent," The old man observed in Ash

"Let's just say I'm well-traveled," Ash said with a smirk

"Travel does not equate to wisdom as many would tell you, although it can bring many new perspectives," The old man said

"Well, let's go! Incineroar, use fire fang!"

"Match with slash Charizard!"

Charizard flew straight at Incineroar, dodging a flamethrower with a barrel roll before punching Incineroar. Incineroar caught the punch and held it tight, suspending Charizard in the air

The two starters rammed each other, neither budging an inch with almost even strength. Charizard began to flap its wings, and Incineroar began to pull. This was looking to be a very even battle.

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