Chapter 14

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a/n: I made Tobias's team different then it was in my last fic Usurper.

Why? Because variety is the spice of life

Alola Ash in Sinnoh POV:

Today was the day, the day he'd face Tobias once more. And he had no intention of losing this time. He'd spent nearly a month after Sinnoh constantly replaying the battle in his head, and with his new team, he figured he'd be able to defeat his first two pokemon. And after that, hopefully he'd be out of legends and Ash would have clean sailing.

It was about an hour before the match, and Dawn was waiting with Ash in the ready room.

"Hey Ash, you mentioned something about this match in the past, are you sure you're ready mentally?" Dawn asked concerned

Ash nodded, "I've thought up a genius plan, and I'm excited. Tobias won't know what hit him,"

"Ya know Ash, I'm glad you're still so similar to your past self, that makes me happy," Dawn said with a smile

Ash smiled at her, "Well Dawn, I'm glad to hear it, and I know you'll be the loudest one in the stands,"

"Damn right I will be, isn't that right Pipulup?"

Piplup nodded and continued chasing Pikachu around.

Dawn stood up, "Well, I should go find our seats with Brock and Barry,"

"Bye Dawn," Ash waved as she stood up

Dawn paused and turned around

Dawn's cheeks flushed red, "Oh, Ash! One more thing,"

Dawn ran towards Ash and planted a kiss on his forehead, "For good luck,"

Both of them blushed as she giggled and walked off

"Yeah.... For good luck," Ash said to himself as he felt his forehead


Ash walked out into a stadium filled to the brim, not a seat left empty.

The trainer known as Tobias stared Ash down before speaking,

"So, I've seen those powerful pokemon you have, and I must say. I'm impressed. Let's give it all we have today, and may the best trainer win," Tobias spoke calmly with an elegant tone

"I can't disagree, may the best trainer win," Ash said as he stared down Tobias

The referee interrupted the two, "This will be a six-on-six battle! Substitutions will be allowed! Good luck trainers!"

Ash grinned at Tobias, "Ready when you are,"

Tobias nodded and reached for his first poke ball, and a Darkrai emerged.

Ash sighed and pointed at Darkrai, "Alright Pikachu, we're hitting him hard from the start,"

"Ya know Tobias, I always wondered why people don't use their strongest attacks first,"

"What?" Tobias said puzzled

"Pikachu, lets do this!" Ash threw his hat on his partners head

"Show them our bond, and use 10,000,000 volt thunderbolt!"

Colorful orbs surrounded Pikachu, and he blasted a wave of solid thunder straight at Tobias who watched in horror as his Darkrai was obliterated by a kamehameha style attack from a tiny mouse wearing a hat.

The referee raised his flag,

"Darkrai is unable to battle, Tobias, please send out your next pokemon,"

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