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Long author's note:

On January 2nd I started this story. 85 days and 43 chapters later I've finished.

I can't express how much support I've received on this story. It's really something else, a HUGE shoutout to everyone who took the time to comment and vote, etc. You guys are awesome.

Now for future stories: I want to do a journey fic and have more growth compared to this story jumping around. I have 3 ideas, and I want you all to vote on which one sounds the best:

Imma do short descriptions of each:

Kalos Rewrite Kaizo

Gym leaders are ALL elite 4 level. Extremely hard battles for Ash, lots of strategies.

Return of almost every old mon in Arsenal

Paul, Sawyer, and Alain are rivals. Frequent battles with them and character growth for all.

Miette and Paul travel together and maybe end up as more ;)

Team Flare is insane and serves a purpose for much longer, they receive a buff as well.

Gets his butt beat a lot. Ash will lose a lot but he'll learn from each loss and grow as a result, reaching true strength

Actual Amour.

Pros: Epic battles, cool Ash, cool rivals, Amourshipping and more!

Cons: Unsure of how well I can write showcases for Serena.... Maybe I'll practice by writing a one-shot

Unova Reimagined a La Kaizo

Ash after Alola decides to redeem himself instead of chasing around the world w Goh. He's training for the Pokémon World Tournament (a separate organization from PWC, think Prem and FA cup), and then after that, he'll go for round 2 in Unova League.

Serena runs into him by accident bc she wants to do musicals

Third companion.... Nate? Chasing around the gym circuit.

They'll meet in Unova League eventually

Pros: I love Unova

Cons: OCs may not bode well with many people, and Nate is sorta an OC considering he's a game-exclusive character. Do I just have Ash and Serena travel together?

Time Travel Crisis Ash:

Sorta a poke verse type story? JN-Ash is given a specific day the world will end, tomorrow!

He's sent back to the very first day he woke up late with all of his current memories intact.

His mission? Stop the impending apocalypse by becoming the strongest trainer in the world, and maybe fix some of his mistakes along the way if ya catch my drift ;)

Comment on what you want best. Voting is open on a poll and on my profile on FF.Net

Please vote! I wanna know what sounds the best to everyone!!!

Anyways, here's the epilogue story.


Some days later......

Red knelt before Arceus

"Arceus, I've come to talk," Red spoke to the god of all Pokemon.

"Speak," Arceus replied

"As you know, Ash Ketchum did the universe a large favor. He and his counterparts are seeking a reward for their just actions," Red said

"And what reward do they desire?" asked Arceus

"As you know, they've been swapped around various timelines. Each of them wishes to be sent to a separate timeline, the one they've been sent to. Not where they originate from, essentially keep them where they were before Dialga and Palkia attacked, but make sure it's in a new universe to keep the timeline intact. You can do that right?" Red said

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