Chapter 6

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A/N: The reveal of Sinnoh and Alola era Ash

So, it's in another alternate universe with a FEW BIG differences.

Different universe than the Kalos-JN swap

(They'll connect eventually, obviously)

Not sure if it's obvious by this point, but every single Ash gets a different ship. (Well, sorta)

Anyways, based on the feedback, I'm going to keep my current chapter structure of fewer words and faster releases

Thank you so much!


Sinnoh Ash in Alola POV:

Ash yawned and rolled out of bed, Pikachu by his side.

"Morning Pikachu," Ash said with a lazy yawn.

Something felt wrong. Something wasn't right. Ash felt..... Hot? Like burning hot

But he was in the coldest region, so that doesn't make any sense?

Ash looked out the window and almost fainted

Why..... was he in the middle of the ocean?

Pikachu jumped up on the bed and looked at Ash confused, "Pika Pika Pi Pi Pi!"

Ash shrugged, "Not sure buddy, your guess is as good as mine,"

Ash looked around the room, it looked like a pokemon center, except he had a closet. There was a picture of.... Him? Alongside some people, which he didn't recognize at all.

Ash sighed and threw on a pair of shorts and a new shirt (Sinnoh outfit worst outfit)

"Much better," Ash said as he opened the door.

A warm plate of breakfast was already waiting for Ash outside his door, with a message,

Good luck in the league final today! You're gonna kill it!

-Mallow (and Lana) :)

What? League final? Ash was in a league final? He started freaking out, he had never made it this far! Where was he? What was going on?

Ash ran back in the room and slammed the door, breathing hard.

"At least nothing can get weirder," Ash thought to himself

"GOOOOODMORNING ASH!" Rotom Dex flew up and greeted his owner


Pikachu jumped up and shocked Rotom Dex


"WHERE AM I? WHO ARE YOU?" Ash yelled out

Rotom Dex made a confused face, "You idiot, you're in the Alola League! A floating island dedicated for a pokemon league! And you're in the final! Now stop the amnesia and get breakfast!

Ash looked at Rotom Dex, "Uhhhhh I've never heard of Alola in my life!"

Rotom Dex got angry, "Ash, you live here!"

"I live in Pallet Town!" Ash said defensively

"There must be a misunderstanding going on here, the Ash I know would never play amnesia the day of a league final. Now, what's going on!" Rotom Dex shouted out.

"I woke up here, and I fell asleep in Sinnoh the day before a league quarterfinal!" Ash crossed his arms angrily

"Ash, the last time you were in Sinnoh was almost two years ago! You won the quarterfinal against your rival Paul!" Rotom Dex said with furrowed eyebrows

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