Finale I

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a/n: Here begins the finale. What we've all been waiting for

I'm excited


Adult Ash opened his eyes, he was at the throne. The birthplace of Arceus and where this would all end.

He looked around him, noticing his counterparts were starting to stand up as well.

"Hey, you guys hearing that?" asked JN-Ash

"Yeah, the shriek hasn't gone away at all," XY-Ash replied

"Well, would you guys mind shutting up and going with me to stop this forsaken shriek?" Rocket-Ash asked angrily

Ashley nodded, "Ummm guys, look to your left, I think that's where the noise is from,"

The shrieking was coming from a massive white building with columns that could only truly be described as a temple. The design was ancient, yet seemed like it was just cleaned. The temple rose above all other buildings in the area.

"Come on!" Sinnoh-Ash said as he took off running

A few minutes later the group was standing at the base of the stairs.

"Shall we?" asked Adult-Ash

JN-Ash nodded and began walking up the stairs

The shriek grew louder and louder and slowly transformed from a high-pitched painful squeal into something more musical in nature. It certainly did not sound good, but it sounded much better than what it was earlier.

As the group of Ashes walked up the steps into the temple, they could see the outline of several people.

"You guys ready?" asked Alola-Ash

"As I'll ever be," Ashley replied

As they reached the entrance, there were three people inside of the temple, and one of them was waiting by the entrance.

It was Cyrus.

"Hello," Cyrus said in a cold and empty tone

The unpleasant music became slightly pleasant, and the sound seemed to be surrounding the whole room, originating from a man holding a flute near the top end of the temple.

"Cyrus! You're the one behind all of this?" asked Sinnoh-Ash, absolutely shocked

"Indeed, I've seen the damage you've wrecked on my plans across various timelines. The only way I can succeed is by wiping you and your counterparts from existence," Cyrus stated as he walked in circles around Ash

"What even is your plan?" asked Ashton

"I want to destroy this corrupted plane of reality, start anew. A million and more perfect universes, all created in my image! Not Arceus, me! I am the creator!" Cyrus said with his eyes almost glowing in excitement

The music grew louder and louder

" have Dialga and Palkia on your side, don't you? That's why they attacked us!" XY-Ash stated

"Well, someone is observant! Indeed, I have the services of Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina. Resistance is futile, I have the power of three gods on my side," Cyrus said with a smirk

"Maybe so, but we have to try!" Adult-Ash stated

Just then, the music stopped and the flute Reukra was holding shattered into a million tiny pieces.

"Cyrus, it is finished. The portal to Arceus's realm is complete,"

Cyrus clapped his hands, "And what awful timing! I will be taking my leave of absence now, Reukra, Remi take care of these children,"

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