Chapter 31

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It's so cold outside.

One thing I need to say: Honestly, I think I've failed to appreciate how far I've come with this fic.

Usurper was nothing compared to this.

I've gathered over 23,000 views on FF.Net

I'm #29 of ALL TIME for Ash/Serena on A03 with the story still going.

I've reached up to #1 for Ash on Wattpad with almost 10k views

Thanks, everyone :)


Reukra stood next to Remi on top of spear pillar. A blue portal glowed next to them. Remi looked slightly unnerved, her pink hair blowing behind her from a gust of wind. Reukra stood in his usual attire of a trench coat with a belt of ultra balls and two master balls around his waist.

"You sure this is a good idea," asked Remi

"No, it's an awful idea. But we're doing it nonetheless," Reukra replied

"I see no flaws with this plan," Remi said sarcastically

"Well, no sense in putting this off. Are you ready?" Reukra asked

Remi just nodded

"Well then, let's do this!"

Reukra jumped through the portal and Remi behind him.

This portal was more of a door instead of the traditional Hoopa-style portals. Remi and Reukra emerged and could instantly tell something was off.

They emerged on an island surrounded on all sides by a blue void, a simple stone trail in front of them. In the faint distance, a large structure could be seen. Reukra looked at Remi who shrugged. They silently agreed to go towards the structure and investigate it to see if the target they were hunting was there.

"Something isn't right here," Remi said unnerved.

"Agreed, the air doesn't feel right," Reukra agreed with her

The two of them kept walking down the path. The ground was uneven and that slowed their pace down, an unnerving howl in the sky terrifying them even more. Or maybe it was a scream, Reukra was pretty unsure about the origin of the noise but it was unpleasant nonetheless.

"This place really gives me the creeps," Remi muttered to herself.

"Agreed, we should leave and never come back once we accomplish our goal here," Reukra said in reply.

"Agreed," Remi said

"When we get back, I'm going for some ramen. It's been too long," Reukra said while his stomach growled.

"We still have to deal with the other one first," Remi said angrily.

"Cyrus will help us, I don't trust him yet, but you can't deny he's efficient," Reukra said with a hint of admiration in his voice.

"I don't like him as a person; he gives me the creeps. But as a leader, Cyrus is undeniably great, he did more with team galactic than practically any other regional team without tons of money backing him up," Remi said

"Anyhow, we're getting close,"

Just then, they were teleported to the entrance of the massive structure they were walking towards.

Remi stumbled and looked up. Reukra grimaced

Dialga stood above the two of them.

"WHAT MORTALS DARE ENTER MY REALM!" Dialga screamed in their heads.

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