Chapter 11

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a/n: Thanks for the support.

JN Ash in XYZ Pov:

"Serena, I can explain," Ash said

"No more excuses Ash, explain what on earth is going on, you've been acting so strangely! First, you start hanging out with the group less, then you stop using your team, it's been almost two weeks since I've seen Greninja! I'm worried about you Ash, and now you're sneaking out." Serena said worriedly

Ash took a deep breath, "Serena, I.... I'm from the future,"

A pause happened between the two for a moment before Serena spoke

"I know..." Serena said

"What? How?" Ash said

"I.... I overheard you and Clemont talking late at night in the forest when I got up to use the bathroom, Ash I'm hurt. Why.... why did you not tell me?"

"I..... I was going to, I just...... it's complicated," Ash said

"What do you mean? I thought I was your best friend, Ash I thought you could tell me anything!" Serena yelled out

"You are! It's just..... I......" Ash sighed and said something he didn't really think through, "I don't want things to change between us," Ash said

A pause happened, and a tense silence emerged between the two

"What do you mean change?" Serena said slowly

"Something.......happens in the future between us Serena," Ash said, before looking down at the ground, taking a deep breath and telling her the truth, "I.... I know about your feelings,"

Serena's face went from mad to devastated in a matter of seconds, she looked at Ash and turned her head. Serena started tearing up and ran away, sobbing as she ran away from Ash

"Wait, Serena, I-!" Ash tried yelling out

But she was gone


"Oh boy I messed up," Ash said to himself as he walked down the halls of the tower.

Ash kept thinking negative thoughts and didn't see a pissed-off Bonnie tapping her foot angrily in front of him.

"Dedenne, zap him!" Bonnie yelled out

Dedenne enthusiastically complied, and sent its strongest shock towards Ash, and caused him to yelp in pain.

"Bonnie! What was that for?" Ash yelled out

"Look at what you've done! You made Serena cry! I heard her crying and running down the hallway, and it's obviously because of you!" Bonnie accused Ash

"I... I never finished what I was going to say!" Ash defended himself

"Girls are really sensitive about these things!" Bonnie yelled out, "You need to apologize to Serena right now! Now, go find her, and tell her that you're sorry, and tell her how you feel while you're at it," Bonnie yelled at Ash

"Okay, okay! Fine, I'll head out!" Ash said, as he ran off to find Serena, wherever she was

"Oh Ash," Bonnie said and Ash turned his head

"Break her heart, and I'll break your kneecaps," Bonnie said with a smile

Ash knew she likely wasn't kidding about that

"Uhhhh yeah, bye!" Ash said nervously as he ran off, desperately trying to find Serena.


Serena ran out of the tower and kept on running and running. Through the city, dodging traffic and pedestrians as she looked for a place to hide and cry alone.

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