Chapter 26

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a/n: Hey everyone, sorry about the delay. I beat Legends Arceus.

Final team:

Alpha Infernape: Berlin

Alpha Garchomp (mvp): Paris
Alpha Gallade: Madrid

Alpha Goodra: Vienna

Alpha Electivire: Prague

Hisui-Samurott: Rome

Also, this is officially the biggest and most popular fic that I've ever written!

Thanks for the support :)

These chapters are getting fun!




"I'm sorry, who are you?" Ash asked confused

"I'm not from your universe, but for a bit, I was the undisputed champion of Kanto and Johto. But enough about me! I need to get you to safety; your friends will be fine! Dialga and Palkia will leave them alone the moment we leave."

"We?" questioned Ash.

"Well, let's just say that I don't work alone. Anyhow, we need to escape asap! Typhloshion can buy us a few minutes at most," Ethan said

"Why should I trust you?" Ash asked

Ethan just looked at Ash and sighed, "Ash, come on. Do or die here. You've heard what they were saying. What's it going to be,"

Just then, Palkia unleashed a full force hydro pump that sent Diantha's Gardevoir through the ground in the arena. Ash cursed to himself, this really was serious, and his friends wouldn't hold on much longer.

Ash nodded and made up his mind, "Okay, just let me say goodbye to Serena,"

Ethan nodded, "Alright, don't go too far,"

Ethan called out a massive Tyranitar who roared, and launched a massive hyper beam that had the width of a bus towards Palkia, slamming into the god and getting its attention.

Ash sprinted towards Serena, who was still commanding Braixen, although Braixen wasn't really keeping up with the battle at this point

Ash approached her, concern evident on his face, "Serena, hey, something's happened, this whole situation has changed now,"

Serena looked at Ash worried, "What is it Ash?"

Ash ducked underneath a hydro pump and spoke to Serena, "I need to go. You see the new guy who just showed up? He's gonna help me escape. This whole thing, it's my fault. And I can stop it, Serena, I need to go. I'm sorry"

"When will you be back?" Serena asked worried

"I can't say," Ash sighed

"Oh...well.... Please come back Ash..." Serena sadly said

Serena swore she saw a tear in Ash's eye, "I won't lose you again Serena. I promise I'll return to you,"

She lightly punched his arm while holding back tears, "You better!"

Ash pulled her into a hug and kissed her as tears filled his eyes. "This time I'm leaving with the kiss." Ash said as he pulled away

Serena watched sadly as Ash turned and sprinted towards Ethan who snapped his fingers, and a purple portal opened. "No time to explain Ash, we need to go now!"

Just as Ethan shouted, Dialga slammed into Alain's Charizard, causing his mega evolution to revert.

Ash gulped, and jumped in the portal, giving Serena and Kalos one last wave.

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