Finale II

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a/n: Aaaaaah! So excited! Grand finale here!

Here y'all go!

One. More. Story Chapter!!!!!!

(Yes, I'll do an epilogue don't worry)


Cyrus turned his gaze back toward his foes.

"Alright old man, you crossed a line!" Adult-Ash shouted angrily

"What line?" Cyrus replied as he pointed his Houndoom at Adult-Ash

Houndoom was hit directly in the head with a focus blast from Rocket-Ash's Darkrai when he tried to make a move toward Lucario

Cyrus sighed and slipped on a ring he kept in his pocket.

Rocket-Ash scowled, so the battle was really going down this route?

Whatever he'd end this himself! He was sick of the audacity of this insane old man.

"Don't even think about it," Rocket-Ash spoke angrily

"I'm thinking about it," Cyrus said as he snapped his fingers and his Houndoom began to glow, enveloped in the familiar aura of mega evolution, however before the purple veil of mega energy could even be harnessed they were stopped in their tracks.

"Close combat, don't hold back!" Adult-Ash shouted

"Focus blast!" Rocket-Ash yelled

Lucario rushed towards Houndoom who had just mega evolved and began beating him mercilessly, hitting cheap shots on the snout and legs.

A large orange ball smashed into Houndoom, who yelped and was sent flying into Lucario who kicked him repeatedly in the head.

Cyrus wasn't the only one who was playing dirty today.

Houndoom tried to blast some fire, but his mouth was clamped shut by Lucario who tanked the first bit of the blow, holding his snout shut with his hands. Lucario made eye contact with Houndoom, and for the first time in his life, Adult-Ash felt as if he saw fear in a mega evolved pokemon's eyes.

Lucario barked angrily, and Adult-Ash got the memo of what he was trying to ask his trainer to do.

"End this! Take him out with the largest focus blast your Darkrai can manage!" Adult-Ash shouted

"You don't have to tell me twice. Darkrai, end him!" Rocket-Ash shouted

Darkrai fired a huge orange orb that crashed into Houndoom, courtesy of Lucario throwing it like a ragdoll straight into the large orange orb.

Cyrus was flabbergasted

"What? How.... how could you end a mega evolution with such ease?" Cyrus said in shock

"Shut up old man," Rocket-Ash said angrily

Cyrus sent out his Honchkrow, "Alright, time to soften you up! Honchkrow, use-"

"Freeze the bird Darkrai," Rocket-Ash yelled

Darkrai fired off a powerful ice beam that froze Honchcrow's wings.

Honchkrow promptly fell to the ground where Lucario was waiting with open arms

Lucario didn't even need a command before he started pummeling Honchkrow with excessive force, at one point grabbing his wing and slamming him into the ground on one side, then switching to the other.

Lucario was clearly livid, likely sensing the aura of those around him he knew it wasn't time to pull his punches.

"Alright then," Cyrus said as he recalled Honchcrow

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