Chapter 3

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WOW! Thanks for all of the support. You guys are the best. As for updates, I'll try my best, but I work a lot. I won't promise anything

XYZ Ash in JN POV:

Ash and Goh walked out into the kitchen after their earlier discussion. Professor Cerise was already in the lab, sipping on his morning coffee.

"Goodmorning," Goh said as he walked into the room, feigning being tired.

"Morning Professor," Ash followed Goh, pretending as if he already knew his way around the lab.

"Goodmorning boys," Professor Cerise said as he sipped his coffee while reading something on his phone.

Pikachu walked in behind the boys, looking around the lab curiously.

"I heard you two boys are off to Galar tomorrow," Professor Cerise said while continuing to sip on his coffee.

Goh nodded, "Yep! Ash is battling Bea again," he said while opening cabinets searching for food.

Cerise looked up from his phone, "Actually, I have an idea. I'm sure Goh will be fine with it but I just wanted to check with you, Ash."

"Check what?" Ash said puzzled

"My daughter Chloe has a school project on travel, and she needs to write an essay about another region. I think visiting Galar with you guys would be a great experience for her. Ash, I know you two don't spend much time together, but I know you guys are friendly enough," Cerise said

"That's fine! The more the merrier," Ash said with a smile

Just then, Chloe walked into the kitchen in the lab

"Morning Dad, Morning Goh," she paused and looked at Ash for a short second, "Goodmorning Ash."

Ash smiled at her and she looked away, a tint of red coloring her cheeks.

Ash almost introduced himself to the Professor and to Chloe, before remembering that he was almost a year in the future. He'd have to be careful to make sure too many people didn't find out. He remembered seeing a movie a few years ago where the main character was a careless time traveler and he hurt a lot of people from his mistakes. But that was a movie, right? Ugh, where was Clemont when Ash needed him? He'd know for sure. But to play it safe, he'd be cautious for now.

The Professor spoke to his daughter, "Chloe, I figured you needed some inspiration for that essay you've been working on about travel. I think you should travel to Galar to watch Ash battle,"

Chloe shrugged, "Sure, sounds fun."

Cerise smiled, "Then it's settled, you are all going to Galar."

Ash pumped his fist, "Awesome! At this rate, I'll have the whole crowd going for me,"

Silence filled the room and Goh started laughing

"Ash, you're really funny! You know for a fact those Galarian stadiums are nothing but local fans," Goh said

"Oh, I mean you guys know what I mean. Having supporters like you guys means a lot," Ash said with a smile

The professor stood up, "Well, I have some work to do today. And I better get to it, you kids behave yourselves!"

Goh sat on the table and grinned at Ash and Chloe, "So! What's the plan today,"

"I gotta train," Ash said quickly.

He did need to talk to the rest of his Kalos team, aside from Greninja and Pikachu, no other pokemon knew about his time issues.

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