Chapter 16

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A/N: New Legends leaks look promising

Next week when that game releases I'll be taking a short break

Sorry not sorry

XYZ in JN:

Ash walked into the stadium, with an extra pep in his step. He was facing off against one of the strongest and newest trainers in Galar.

Gloria had risen up the ranks at a lightning pace, and many predicted her to become the next Leon. Ash of course, was here to change that perception. The tenth-ranked trainer in the world was no joke, her Cinderace had hospitalized many pokemon and even a few unlucky trainers.

But, truth be told it was no matter for Ash who had faced far worse.

The stadium screamed at Ash as he entered, Gloria had a reputation for being.... Colorful with her language, and her fans were similar in that nature.

They had already started chanting when Ash walked into the stadium


Ash sighed and tried to ignore the chaos,

Gloria stood before him, and she looked a lot less menacing than she was online.

She was on the shorter side, but nonetheless looked up at him and spat on the ground

"Oye Gommy! Yeah, you! Get your arse over here! I just wanted to say your arse is gonna get kicked today, so no hard feelings."

Ash smiled, "We'll see about that!"

"Oh! A cocky one have we here? No matter! Gloria will show ya how its done!"

Ash laughed and walked back towards his box

The rotom drone flew down and announced the rules

"Three on three battle! Subs allowed, trainers ready?"

Ash nodded as did Gloria

Both reached for their belts

And tossed at the same time

"Talonflame, I choose you!"

A fiery bird emerged, and flew in circles around the arena, causing some cheers to start.

"A pretty bird have we here? Well ol Gloria is gonna have to clip er wings! Let's go Corviknight!"

A metal bird appeared in front of Ash and screeched loudly

Chloe looked at the bird in fear, "That's a Corviknight! They're known for their aggression and strength

Goh nodded, "I've heard that they're hard to control, and are the strongest on average of all the regional birds,"

"Well if anyone can handle it, it's Ash," Chloe said optimistically


Talonflame looked at Corviknight and screeched. The birds took flight and Ash watched as Talonflame flew in circles with flame charge, gaining speed on the heavier

Corviknight launched air slashes at Talonflame and Talonflame rolled and dodged them, flying eloquently out of the way of the strikes.

"Oye! Awa' you and chew my banger!" Gloria screamed angrily as Talonflame dodged the air slashes from Corviknight

"Alright Talonflame, strike Corviknight with a flame charge!" Ash commanded

Talonflame rushed and slammed into Corviknight, and sent the great knight bird flying back.

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