Chapter 18

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a/n: Thanks for the support.

Pretty quiet Friday out here.

Feeling lonely but it's whatever.

You came for a fic not my inner thoughts.


Alola Ash in Sinnoh POV:

"Finish this now, Incineroar!" Ash yelled out, "Revenge now!"

Ash's newly evolved Incineroar punched a Magmortar in the gut, and the rival fire type collapsed.

The stadium erupted in cheers. Ash was the champion of the Lilly of the Valley.

Ash looked around the stadium, in awe of what had just happened. He had won!

The next hour was a blur, he was presented a trophy from Cynthia and Goodshow. He was a champion! Some fireworks went off, hands were shaken and.... He was alone

In the locker room, feasting off the victory.

It felt.... New. But not bad

Ash felt his trophy and let Pikachu inspect it. It felt.... Strange, alien almost. But satisfying

Just then, Dawn walked into the room, "Ash! Oh my gosh, you're a champion!"

She blushed and pulled Ash into a hug, Ash understanding what the gesture meant thanks to his maturity and less dense nature, squeezed her tight.

"It's been a crazy few days. Thanks for sticking with me," Ash said with a smile.

"Of course, Ash, it's what friends are for, are they not?" Dawn lightly punched Ash on the shoulder, "I'll always stick by you."

"You're the best, Dawn, seriously. You're awesome." Ash said with a light blush, noticing how pretty Dawn actually was.

"Well, what do ya say we get out of here and celebrate? Brock says he's paying for the nicest restaurant in town!" Dawn said with a wink, implying Brock never agreed to such a thing.


Ash finished eating the steak and burped.

"Wow! This was amazing! Seriously, thanks for agreeing to pay Brock!"

"What! I never agreed to any such thing! Dawn said you were paying from the prize money!"

Both boys turned their attention to Dawn, who looked sheepishly at them.

"Excuse me, I think I can cover the bill," a blonde lady said

"Cynthia! Wow! Nice to see you again!" Ash said happily

"Congrats again, Ash, however, I think you and I need to chat," Cynthia said politely.

"Yeah, what about?" Ash questioned

"Just the future of your participation in the league, nothing much," Cynthia explained.

"Oh... well, I guess "

"Well. Here's my card. I'll call you with the information soon enough. It'll be in about three weeks, so you have until then to prepare."

"Oh... well.. Ok..." Ash said, slightly confused

Cynthia's face lit up,"Oh Ash, please ask out that Dawn girl. Her feelings are as plain as day," she said with a giggle.

Ash blushed furiously and tried to play off the comment, "Oh well.... I mean I want, I mean I will!"

"Well, I'll leave you to it, just know that you better not break her heart, or I force you to visit my villa in Undella Town,"

"What's so bad about a house in a resort town? That sounds like a reward instead of a punishment!" Ash said puzzled

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