Chapter 30

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a/n: Author announcements:

Apologies for the delay, I've been stupidly busy with work, tests, and the like. After two interviews and three tests, I've finally had an evening to myself to write and decompress.

Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about the fic at all haha. I'm excited to share the ending w you guys

We are starting the end game, maybe 15 or so chapters remain, but it'll likely be more

As far as I can tell, I invented a brand new pokemon shipping, (surprising because there's like 10,000 of them) Ash x Irida, or as I deem it, Lustrous shipping

ALSO! Beat Reukra super boss in Insurgence! So I finally know his full team for later on in the fic ;)


"Looks like the lovebirds are back together," Rocket-Ash said with an eye roll

Irida shot Rocket-Ash a glare, "I'm sorry Ashton, who exactly are these guys?"

Ashton took a deep breath before electing to defuse the situation, "Well... can we go inside?"

Irida shot him a look that said, "You better know what you're doing,"

Inside the cave, Ashton pointed towards the group.

Ashton moved his hand at the group, "These are versions of me from another world, they're looking for help for a problem concerning almighty Sinnoh,"


Adult-Ash stood up, "Hey...I'm the one from earlier, the one with the Chari-"

"I know." Irida shot him a glare

"We're sort of on the run at the moment. We're being hunted by Dialga and Palkia who seek to erase these two youngsters here for time-traveling against their will,"

Irida's eyes widened, "Time travel you say..... So does that mean that the Diamond clan's..."

"No! Both clans are correct, there are two deities that exist over Sinnoh, Palkia lord of space and Dialga lord of time,"

"That's..... that's a lot to take in now," Irida said, clearly in shock.

Ashley sighed, "Look. I'm just going to cut to the chase here, we need your boyfriend's help, he's strong. Very very strong, and can help us stop this,"

"Defeat the gods?"

"No, we'll negotiate with my boss, who can stop them. But just in case something goes wrong, we'll need all the help we can get,"

"What's in it for us? What does he get out of this?" Irida asked suspiciously

"Actually.... I sorta want to go. That power you showed me earlier, when your pokemon changed forms and grew more powerful, I wish to wield that power myself," Ashton said

Adult-Ash smiled, "After this is settled, I can arrange that,"

Irida sighed, she didn't want to tell him this way, but it seemed like she'd have no choice.

She took a deep breath and announced to the group, "Ashton. I..... I'm pregnant,"

"I'm sorry, what?" Sinnoh-Ash said

"Kid, do you not know how babies are made?" Rocket-Ash said with a smirk

"NO! NO! I DO!" Sinnoh-Ash said urgently

Everyone started laughing, amused at that interaction.

Ashton ran up to Irida and embraced her, "Oh wow... but it was just one night, not that it wasn't amazing but I..."

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